Wednesday, May 27, 2015


I know I've been MIA on the What I'm Loving Wednesday link-up the past few weeks. So this week I am linking up with Jodi and Rachel
This week, I'm loving:
**Today (5/27) is
I hope you have your orange on.
**Library books (I started The Husband's Secret last night)
My new dress (thanks to my sister for her cast off) and that it's warm enough to wear skirts and dresses again.
**That my Mr. This is his Neon Boneyard shirt that he covered certain letters on to make a "new" message and proceeded to come out of the house that way. The man cracks me up!
**This is funny...
**We have been without a kitchen sink for 2 days. Here's hoping it's fixed by the time I get home today.
**It's scrapbook group night at the library tonight. I am looking forward to a little creative time.
**My sock I'm knitting is starting to look like a sock.
What are YOU loving this week?


  1. I love your new dress!!! :)

  2. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Your dress is so pretty and looks great on you!! Hope your sink gets fixed. That must be annoying to be w/o it!!

  3. Thank you for linking up!! :) I love that dress, you look great in it! And yeah for library books!! :)


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