Monday, May 11, 2015

Knit & Crochet Blog Week 2015

This week starts the 6th Annual Knitting & Crochet Blogging Week at Eskimimi Makes

Day One: If You Were Yarn.
If you were a type or brand of yarn, which would you be? Are you a classic pure wool? Is there extra tension but a bit of bounce in you because of your high twist? Would you be more like a high-maintainance, strictly hand-wash fluffy angora or a ‘bring it on’ acrylic, bravely heading into the world of possible baby-sick laundering disasters knowing that you will always come out bright and unharmed?

I think I would like to be bamboo yarn. I love the feel and texture of it.
I have not ever worked with it but would love to.



  1. Sounds like fun!!!! :)

  2. Love bamboo yarn - very soft yet durable! Good choice.


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