Monday, April 17, 2017

Happy Monday!

Hello friends! I hope your Passover/Easter/spring holidays have been wonderful and joyous!

The weather was fantastic here over the weekend. Saturday was sunny, 82 and windy. We spent the morning doing our taxes (yes, at the last minute); we went out for lunch; and walked around the outdoor mall for a couple of hours. We window shopped and soaked up the sun.

We had a good storm go through overnight Saturday/Sunday.

Sunday (Easter), Young Miss went to a dinner theatre show with my parents. She had a GREAT time with them. My Mr., Young Mr. and I went to my in-laws for lunch and visiting. Mr. and I went for a couple of walks yesterday. (Trying to "up" my step count and get back in better shape)
I didn't quite meet my step goal for last week - I think I can this week! (7500 steps/day) Who is with me?

Not much else went on. I hope you all have a good week ahead.


  1. Have an amazing week dear friend!

  2. I should really get to walking & get my hubby out as well. Maybe some Fitbits are in our future & make a challenge outta it. There is nothing like a friendly challenge with the significant other. :)


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