Monday, December 30, 2013

Happy New Year!

I hope 2013 was a good year for you and yours!

Wishing all my lovely readers and your loved ones,

I want to thank you all for your comments and friendships. You inspire me to keep blogging.

And may I please encourage you to visit the blogs in my blogroll to the left. Thank you!


More on the meaning of this....
Very soon!

Hi again!

I didn't mean to take the week off from my blog, it just happened.

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. Ours was nice. The kids got some nice stuff. We didn't do anything big or elaborate, just kind of laid back. The Mr. wasn't feeling real well on Christmas Day, but seems have bounced back.

We went to St. Louis this past weekend. The Mr. and Junior Mr. went to the Hawks game down there. The weather was gorgeous down there on Saturday - 55 and sunny. We played outside as much as we could. Then, I spent the evening in our hotel room with a pukey kid (that was fun...) Yesterday - the weather was NOT so nice! We took Lil Miss to American Girl there (she had a GC burning a hole in her pocket...). Then we had an interesting drive home. (Thank you truck driver who almost killed us - jerk!)

I woke up this morning to a very exciting e-mail.  I won a giveaway over at The Artsy Cajun's blog.  You should go check out her blog - she's a great lady and very creative!

I will post some pictures from Christmas and our weekend, soon.

Wishing you all a great week!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Book review-The Glass Castle

The Glass Castle
by Jeanette Walls

5 out of 5 stars
Genre: Memoir

Pub. Synopsis:
Jeannette Walls grew up with parents whose ideals and stubborn nonconformity were both their curse and their salvation. Rex and Rose Mary Walls had four children. In the beginning, they lived like nomads, moving among Southwest desert towns, camping in the mountains. Rex was a charismatic, brilliant man who, when sober, captured his children’s imagination, teaching them physics, geology, and above all, how to embrace life fearlessly. Rose Mary, who painted and wrote and couldn’t stand the responsibility of providing for her family, called herself an “excitement addict.” Cooking a meal that would be consumed in fifteen minutes had no appeal when she could make a painting that might last forever.

Later, when the money ran out, or the romance of the wandering life faded, the Walls retreated to the dismal West Virginia mining town—and the family—Rex Walls had done everything he could to escape. He drank. He stole the grocery money and disappeared for days. As the dysfunction of the family escalated, Jeannette and her brother and sisters had to fend for themselves, supporting one another as they weathered their parents’ betrayals and, finally, found the resources and will to leave home.

What is so astonishing about Jeannette Walls is not just that she had the guts and tenacity and intelligence to get out, but that she describes her parents with such deep affection and generosity. Hers is a story of triumph against all odds, but also a tender, moving tale of unconditional love in a family that despite its profound flaws gave her the fiery determination to carve out a successful life on her own terms.

For two decades, Jeannette Walls hid her roots. Now she tells her own story. A regular contributor to, she lives in New York and Long Island and is married to the writer John Taylor.

My thoughts:

Wow! This is a dysfunctional family! There were times I wasn't sure if I should laugh or cry. I appreciate my nutty family tree even more. Ms. Walls, you kept me turning the pages!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas!

This was made a year or two ago at a mall not far from us.
It's SUCH a cool commercial, though.
I hope you have a joyous holiday season.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Friday Fun

Thanks for the link, Mom!

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


I got to 'shoot'  The S Family on Sunday evening. It was SOOOOO cold (wind chill of 0, the girls were crying within 2 minutes), so we went to their house (where it was much warmer!) and had a lot of fun!

Thanks for looking!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Friday Fun-Winter edition

In honor of the bitter cold we are having here, I give you a few funnies.

Have a great weekend!

Monday, December 09, 2013

Happy Monday!

I hope you all had a great weekend!

Friday, we took two busloads of clients to Chicago for shopping day. It was plenty cold (high of 20F). I went with my mom. We met my sister, a friend and her mom (who are longtime family friends) for lunch. It was great to catch up with all of them!  PS: For those of you in the Chicago area - my sister is telling a story at Mrs. Murphy's on Lincoln Ave. tomorrow night. Check it out!

I worked at the library on Saturday.

Yesterday, we got almost 4 inches of snow. Lil Miss & I hung out most of the day until we had a Christmas dinner to go to. It was nice and got to meet some new people.

I have to brag about my Lil Miss....she told me yesterday that the little note (I print out little lunchbox notes and put them in her lunch now & then) that I gave her Friday, she passed onto a little girl at her lunch table because she was crying that her friend wouldn't sit with her. Lil Miss just said to me, "I think she needed it more than I did". I love that she has such a big heart!

Happy Monday

Saturday, December 07, 2013

Key to the Twelve Days of Christmas

The "Twelve Days of Christmas" refer to the eight days of the Christmas Octave from December 25 to New Years Day, and the four additional days up to and including the eve of January 6, the traditional date of the Epiphany.  In the USA and many other countries, Epiphany is now celebrated on the first Sunday after New Years, so the exact number 12 does not necessarily apply.  But the point is, don't throw out the tree on the 26th--the birth of the Savior can't be celebrated adequately in one day.  Let the celebration continue through at least through the Feast of the Epiphany--if not through the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord.

According to the Handbook of Catholic Sacramentals by Ann Ball, the famous song about the 12 Days of Christmas was written in England as a catechism song for young Catholics in the days when it was illegal to practice or teach the Catholic Faith.  It contains hidden meanings intended to help children remember lessons of faith.  Instead of referring to an earthly suitor, the “true love” mentioned in the song really refers to God.  The “me” who receives the presents is symbolic of every baptized person. 

There appears to be no conclusive historical evidence to prove this origin of the song,  Nevertheless, the traditional association between the gifts mentioned in the song and various spiritual gifts is a fun way to turn a seemingly secular Christmas carol into a valuable catechetical tool.  So let's have fun with it!

Partridge in a pear tree           Jesus Christ, symbolized as a mother partridge that feigns injury to decoy predators from helpless nestlings.

Two turtle doves                     Old & New Testaments

Three French Hens                 Faith, hope, charity

Four Calling birds                    The Four Gospels

Five Golden Rings                  The Pentateuch or Five Books of Moses (Genesis through Deuteronomy)

Six geese a laying                   Six days of creation

Seven Swans a swimming     7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Eight maids a-milking             8 Beatitudes

Nine Ladies Dancing               Nine Fruits of the Holy Spirit

Ten Lords a-leaping                10 Commandments

Eleven pipers piping                The 11 faithful disciples

12 drummers drumming         12 articles of the Apostles Creed

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 06, 2013


Thank you to my guest blogger yesterday, Nicole! I love your holiday memories and traditions.

I'm looking forward to spending the day with my mom and meeting my sister and a friend for lunch.

What are you doing this weekend?
I am working at the library tomorrow. I am supposed to have a photo shoot on Sunday (weather permitting...) and we have a holiday party to go to Sunday evening.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, December 05, 2013

Guest Blogger - Nicole

Hello readers!

Today, beautiful and funny Nicole from PRAIRIE PRINCESS is sharing her holiday traditions. Please make sure you visit her blog!

Without further ado - here is Nicole's traditions.

Ok here are my Christmas traditions...

When I was young, before the age of 10 my family lived in California. On Christmas mornings we would open gifts, then head out to my aunt and uncles house about half hour away.

When I was 10 my family moved to Montana where life was quite a bit different. We had no family here, so our Christmas traditions centered around the 6 of us-my parents and 3 siblings. Our traditions evolved over the years, but essentially was this:
-Christmas Eve service at church, then we would go out to dinner as a family. Nothing fancy either-I'm talking Chinese buffet or Pizza Hut.
-get home and mom would prep Christmas morning breakfast.
-all the kids would go to bed. I was the WORST at getting up in the middle of the night to see all of the gifts "Santa" put out. Sometimes I would get up several times!
-usually I was the first one awake (and I'm the oldest of the 4 kids!). I'd wake my siblings up and we'd go jump on our parents bed.
-my dad would get up, but wanted to drive us crazy. So he'd put his coffee on, then go outside to feed the cows and horses. It probably only took about 30 extra minutes but it felt like an eternity!
-we would destroy the presents and ball up the wrapping paper and throw it all over the room.
-we also have a really odd tradition with our stockings-in them we get bottles of baby apple juice, a can of olives, a mini bear filled with honey and peanut butter. And my dad always gets cashews and my mom microwave popcorn.
-we'd eat breakfast, which included an egg and sausage bake and sweet rolls.
-after breakfast we'd open all of the DVDs we received and watch movies in our pajamas all day long. I think my mom was the only one who showered and got dressed.
-for food we would snack on little smokies, cheese balls and crackers until we ate a dinner of prime rib, potatoes and salad. My favorite part of the meal though was the cake we always baked. My family is fairly religious, so we baked a birthday cake for Jesus, and sang happy birthday to Him. Kinda different, but I loved it. Helped keep us on track for the real celebration of the day.

Now that we live near my husbands family, Christmas has changed a little. His extended family lives around here so we spend the holiday with them. My first holiday with them was difficult because I actually had to get dressed! Ha ha ha. But no fear, I'm rubbing off on mother in law officially declared that this year we are having a sweatpants Christmas :)

With the birth of our first child coming up in the next couple of weeks, I can't wait to start many of these traditions with him :)

Thanks Jen for letting me share my Christmas memories with your readers!

Thank you for sharing with all of us Nicole!
Merry Christmas!

PS  I still have a couple of guest spots open

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Welcome Wednesday

Hump Day again - come on Friday!

So after an incredibly busy and insane Monday (I hate the day after holidays...). My "fantastic" week continued yesterday when I choked on a chip at lunch. Fortunately one of my co-workers knew the Heimlich. He got the chip up and I was good to go.  Whew!

Come back tomorrow - I have a guest blogger.

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

It's not Monday!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Come back Thursday - I have a guest blogger posting!

Happily but sadly, our number FINALLY came up on the Cubs season ticket list.  BUT - our money is tied up in our vacation for next year. Soooo - I'll be calling them today to move us to the bottom of the list again.  (Plus I don't want to spend the money to watch a crappy team...)

Have a great Tuesday!

Sunday, December 01, 2013

The Legend of the Candycane

Happy December! I wish you all a wonderful holiday season, whatever you celebrate!

We celebrate Christmas at our house.


Look at the Candy Cane

What do you see?
Stripes that are red
Like the blood shed for me

White is for my Savior
Who's sinless and pure!
"J" is for Jesus My Lord, that's for sure!

Turn it around
And a staff you will see
Jesus my shepherd
Was born for Me!

Many years ago, a candy maker wanted to make a candy at Christmas time
that would serve as a witness to his Christian faith.
He wanted to incorporate several symbols for the birth, ministry
and death of Jesus. He began with a stick of pure white hard candy;
white to symbolize the Virgin Birth and the sinless nature of Jesus;
hard to symbolize the solid rock, the foundation of the Church;
firmness to represent the promise of God.

The candymaker made the candy in the form of a "J"
to represent the name of Jesus, who came to earth as our Savior.
He thought it could also represent the staff of the Good Shepherd,
with which he reached down into the ditches of the world to lift out
the fallen lambs who, like all sheep, have gone astray.

Thinking that the candy was somewhat plain, the candymaker
stained it with red stripes. He used three small stripes
to show the stripes of the scourging Jesus received,
by which we are healed. The large red stripe was for the
blood shed by Christ on the cross so that we could have the
promise of eternal life. Unfortunately, the candy became known
as a candy cane - a meaningless decoration seen at Christmas time.
But the true meaning is still there for those who have
eyes to see and ears to hear

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Here comes December...

Hard to believe it's the last day of November!

Sorry I've been a bad blogger. I took the week off work and did a whole lot of nothing!

If anyone still wants to guest post on your holiday traditions, I have three more Thursdays. I know December is very busy and I'm just giving this a try!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Kill a Kit challenge

No time like the present...since I finished the KILL A KIT CHALLENGE, I figured I would post what I did.

(Sorry for the crappy pictures...)

Here is the kit I put together from my stash:
It consists of:
Blue striped paper, source unknown
Black Cardstock by Bazzill
Thickers alphabet stickers, Vera
Making Memories black eyelets
Black and white fiber, source unknown
Cardstock stickers, Paper House 
Die cut, Scrapper's Friend

Here is the completed two page layout:

The left side:

The right side:
I made two mini albums to incorporate all my photos. 

Attention scrappers, part 2

So I am heading to my desk to put together a scrap kit from my stash.  I am going to participate in THIS CHALLENGE.  Heather and Kelly would love to have some participation. I hope you will join in!

My challenge to myself is to get some page kits put together with what I have.

I hope to play along with COUNTERFEIT KIT CHALLENGE in December.

What are you working on?
Jump in and happy scrapping.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Attention bloggers....

Are you interested in being a guest blogger?

I would like to feature some other blogs in the month of December. I'm looking for posts on your holiday traditions and what they mean to you.

If you would like to be a guest blogger, post a comment here. I am looking for 4, one for each Thursday in December.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Attention scrappers!

Check out this submission call: Let's Get Sketchy

Deadline is Dec 1. Good luck!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Words of Wisdom

A little wisdom that I am needing to remember this week.

Our Huskies play tonight!
Come on guys...let's make it 11-0.

Saturday, November 16, 2013


I took yesterday off work, intending to spend the day with the Mr, but that didn't happen. I did get a little scrapbooking and reading done. I also played with a new photo editing program and posted THIS on my photo blog. I also got to take and pick up Little Miss from school.

So...the Mr and I had our anniversary dinner at Applebees last night. The food was ok, the company fantastic and the margarita...well, wow! It was potent and quite delicious.

I have a photo shoot scheduled with a lovely family for this afternoon, using the storefront windows. is raining! I am going to start my anti-raindance shortly. It can rain after about 5.... I have a couple of umbrellas if we must use them (that's not very chirstmas card-like). I may call a couple of the stores and see if we can use the interiors.

Other than that, we don't have much planned for the weekend. Yea!

Have a super weekend!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Another year

Happy 16th anniversary to the Mr.!!  Here's to many more great years, I love you!

The weather looks to be better today than it was 16 years ago (we got a foot of snow).

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Hello friends! Today is 11/12/13....

The vertigo passed, only to be followed by a cold. I am still fighting that and feels a little crummy. I hope to be feeling a little more human in a couple more days...

I hope you had a great weekend. Ours passed in a blur!

I worked Saturday then went grocery shopping.

Sunday, we raked leaves for 3 hours in the morning. Little Miss and I went to see our local theater company's production of Annie. It was good and a fun afternoon.

Yesterday left us with our first snow of the season, a little dusting but everything is white and frozen. I am not ready for winter yet!

Take care and I'll blog soon.'s Chicago Fire night!

Friday, November 08, 2013

Friday Fun, Dinosaur Humor

Happy Friday!


Have a great weekend!

PS  You can follow me on Instagram or Twitter at cubsfan3410

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Wednesday Words

I am starting to feel better. I hope it continues!

Keep looking forward....

Monday, November 04, 2013 we go again

Another bout with vertigo!

I hate the feeling of spinning and my body being out of control.

Saturday, November 02, 2013

Coming "soon"

I am anxious to see this in the spring

Watching the trailer made me teary eyed. 

Friday, November 01, 2013

Friday Fun

(Where is this year going?!)
In my "about me", I promised the story behind this - here it is!
Mr. and I went to Vegas for our anniversary in 2008. One of the casinos we went to one evening had the Chippendales walking (ok - STRUTTING) around the casino floor, taking pictures with people (ok - WOMEN!). Mr. asked if I wanted to...ah - no thanks!  A little too much beauty and oil for my liking. Don't get me wrong, they were easy on the eyes but I enjoyed from a distance and with their pants on.
On our way out of the casino, we walked by this GIANT wall... My Mr. told me to "pose" with these dancers.
He still laughs when he see this picture. (Ok - I smile too...)
HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Come on!

Who is going to do this with me in November?

I did the 30 day squat challenge last month and I'm feeling pretty good!

Trick or Treat

I hope you have a great Halloween!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Words of Wisdom, part 2

Chicago Fire is on hiatus for two more weeks (sigh), but I got my weekly fireman fix when my funny and somewhat inappropriate friend, Jen, made my afternoon by sending me this....

THANKS, JEN!!!!!!'

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

It's Tuesday!


We had quite a weekend. Little Miss had her recital Friday and Saturday nights. She had two dance pieces and a poem to recite. She did a great job at all of them! I am not a stage/dance mom. I struggle to get her hair up and in place, she has started doing her own make up, but I am not cut out for it.

I worked at the library all day on Saturday. Our Huskies won...AGAIN!!!! That's right, the undefeated Huskies!

Sunday, Mr. and I went put for breakfast while Young Mr. was judging karate belt testing and Little Miss was at my in laws. I got a nap in and felt better after that. We went with Young Mr. and his girlfriend to see Gabriel Inglasius (aka "Fluffy") and friends. I have never seen live stand up comedy...what a fun evening!

Thank you all who have commented and sent your support regarding the potential confrontation. My boss handled it and things went as expected. I am the enemy, BUT let me say...I am ok with it because I will be back to doing what I like in my job. Life is too short not to be happy, especially at something you have to do.

Soooo, here's hoping for an uneventful Tuesday.

What did you do this past weekend?

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Words of Wisdom

Food for thought!

I am not a confrontational person and there is a confrontation I must face today. I hate drama and am going to address it today.
Praying for strength and the right words....

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

For fun!

What State Do You Belong In

Take the quiz and see.

I belong in  GEORGIA

Happy Hump Day!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

8 Months Ago....

I never would have guessed that my annual routine doctor appointment would lead me becoming a cardiac patient - and at the age of 38!!!!!  WHAT?!

In hindsight, I am grateful that the problem was found and that I have a FANTASTIC cardiologist. But it was a scary couple of months while going through all the doctor visits and tests and blood draws and pamphlets and brochures, while keeping it as quiet as I could until we had firm answers.

For those of you who don't know, I was diagnosed with an irregular heartbeat in February of this year. This lead to cardiac monitors, echocardiograms, blood draws, lots of driving to appointments. I was diagnosed with an ASD (atrial septal defect) - commonly known as a hole in the heart. It is believed it is something I was born with and was just found then.

I had surgery in May to repair and close this. I think being wheeled into the O.R. was probably the scariest part of that day (you know, letting go of my husband's hand and thinking terrible things might happen...). Oh and having to lay perfectly flat and  still for 12 hours afterward was not much fun either, BUT - it was successful. It was a slow couple of months after that. I can't even begin to tell you how much better I am feeling now - my energy is higher than it's probably ever been. I had to be on some nasty medicine for about 3 months that really messed with my stomach too, but that is gone.  I am down to an aspirin a day and I can see the bottom of the pill bottle - the end is VERY near!! (insert my crazy happy dance here)

I have 2 more cardiology appointments before the end of this year, then it will be an annual check up for the rest of my life. I no longer have any activity restrictions and am working hard to get myself back into shape. (There are some races I want to run next year)

I am officially a cardiac patient for life!
(and I'm ok with that...)

I have started to take a different outlook on life. My problem was fixable and I feel fortunate that it was! (Believe me, I KNOW there are a lot of people in a lot worse shape!!!!) However, I know it could have been different. There are a lot of things on my bucket list that I want to do before my time does come...  40 comes knocking next year (and that's NOT old!!! - it's just need to start work on having fun and enjoying life more) and I plan to accomplish some of those things.  Stay tuned, I hope to have some of those "adventures" next year.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Book Review-The Right Hand

The Right Hand
by Derek Haas
I give it 5 out of 5 stars

Publisher's Synopsis:
Meet Austin Clay, the CIA's best-kept secret. 

There has always been a need in the spy game for operations outside the realm of legality-covert missions so black no one in the American government, and almost no one in intelligence itself, is aware of their existence. The left hand can't know what the right hand is doing. 

Austin Clay is that right hand, executing missions that would be disavowed by his own government were he ever to be compromised. His team consists of only his trusted handler and himself. His missions are among the most important and dangerous in U.S. history.

Clay is sent to track down a missing American operative, a man who was captured outside of Moscow, in the Russian countryside. Soon he discovers the missing officer is only the beginning of the mission, and finds himself protecting a desperate woman who believes a mole has penetrated the top levels of the U.S. government, throwing the international balance of power into jeopardy.

My thoughts:
I picked this up with no expectations, at all. This book grabbed from the first page and didn't let go until the last page! There was constant action and twists & turns through the whole book. I began to trust no one in the agency while reading this and was praying Clay was going to live to the end. Did he.....? You'll have to read it to find out!
The writing is fantastic and well thought out. The characters are fantastic, complete with those I loved and those I hated.

I can't wait to read more of Mr. Haas' books.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Friday Fun- Halloween edition

Happy Friday!

Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The one where...


The spelling bee is tonight. I am a nervous wreck this morning. The silent expectation from our co-workers is that we win. (I guess being library employees, we should...)

Deep breath....

Monday, October 14, 2013

Reading Challenge

I'm a couple of weeks behind the eight ball on this, but I decided to jump in and give it a go. Megan at Semi-Charmed Kind of Life is hosting an Autumn Book Challenge.

Here is my prelim reading list for this challenge:
5: Read a book that does not have "the," "a" or "an" in the title.  Beautiful Ruins-Jess Walters (337 pages)
10: Read a book that has been featured in Oprah's Book Club. This list includes all the books up until 2010. (Submitted by SCSBC13 winner Erin.)  The Measure of a Man-Sidney Poitier (272 pages)
10: Read a book that takes place in the state where you currently live. If you do not live in the U.S., read a book that takes place in the country where you live. (Submitted by SCSBC13 winner Megan.)  Storm Front-Jim Butcher (322 pages) (Illinois)
15: Read an epistolary novel, which is a book written in letters, emails, diary entries or other documents. See this Goodreads list if you need an idea, but make sure it's actually an epistolary novel first! Goodreads lists aren't verified, so non-epistolary books could have snuck their way on there.  Life on the Refrigerator Door-Alice Kuipers (220 pages)
15: Read a book first published in 2013.  The Moon and More-Sarah Dessen (435 pages)
15: Read a book with something spooky in the title. (Submitted by SCSBC13 winner Bev.)  The Year of Fog-Michelle Richmond (369 pages)
20: Read a book with "air," "water," "earth" or "fire" in the title. (Submitted by SCSBC13 winner Gypsi.)  Like Water for Chocolate-Laura Esquivel  (224 pages)
20: Read a book on which a television series has been based (e.g. Orange is the New Black, Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars, Friday Night Lights, etc.).  MASH - Richard Hooker (219 pages)
25: Read a fiction book that has someone’s first and last name in the title (e.g. The Story of Edgar Sawtelle, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Bridget Jones's Diary, etc.).  Maisie Dobbs-Jacquieline Winspear (309 pages)
30: Read two books by the same author. They can be in the same series, but do not have to be. Co-authors do not count (i.e. the author must be the sole author of each book). All Together Dead (323 pages) and From Dead to Worse (359 pages)-Charlaine Harris
35: Read a fiction and nonfiction book about the same topic. (Example: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close and The Woman Who Wasn't There are both about 9/11. I'm planning on doing a whole post with a list of ideas soon, if you care to submit any!) Killing Lincoln-Bill O'Reilley (315 pages) and The First Assassin-John J. Miller (386 pages)

So, we'll see how this goes....

It's Monday...again...

Hello readers!
I hope you had a good weekend! We did, although they are always too short. Some of us do not get Columbus Day off....

I worked at the library on Saturday. Then we had pizza with our former neighbors. Yesterday we went to the orchard, did a little apple picking, fed the farm animals and enjoyed the beautiful fall day.

Our Huskies are 6-0, ranked 23 on the AP poll! Keep it up!

On the keeping myself accountable front, I have been working on two 30 day exercise challenges:

I've stuck with them and see a little difference. The plank is a tough one....whew!

I started a new book over the weekend (The Right Hand). It is fantastic so far!!!

What did you do this weekend?

Sunday, October 13, 2013


Here's some of what I've read lately and enjoyed.
What are you reading?

Friday, October 11, 2013

Friday Fun

Welcome to Friday!!! 
Is it just me or has this week been a long one? Today's post is a lot of randomness.

Thank you to all of you who read, comment on and follow my blog. I love hearing from you!

I hope you'll have time to do something with your yarn today.

Here's a taste of my Instagram lately...

I had a small touch with fame this week. 
2 of the guys from Chicago Fire replied to my tweets.
Joe Minoso plays Joe Cruz

and Randy Flagler plays Capp

in reference to this photo....
(I know...not a big deal but a small thrill for me)

If you want to follow me on Instagram or Twitter, I'm cubsfan3410.

If you want to check out some awesome and entertaining writing, my brother has a writing gig here: Hooniverse

Another of my brothers can be found here: P Rood Illustration. He has artwork and books for sale.

What are your weekend plans?