Saturday, January 16, 2016

A word on blogging

9 1/2 years ago, I began this little old spot of mine.
It has changed a lot on that time!
I have changed a lot in that time!
I have found some wonderful bloggers and enjoyed their blogs. I feel like I have come to know them very well - we could sit down with a drink and just chat away. I love that feeling!

I took a mini-hiatus from blogging at the end of last year. Photography was busy; I was busy with my family; and I needed to step away to clear my mind of it. I'm glad I did! I realized I don't care if anyone reads it - I like to write about what I want, when I want to.

I love reading others' blogs! (psst - you should check some of my favorites out under the "Other Blogs You Should be Reading" tab, above) There are some incredibly talented bloggers and storytellers out there - I admire you all. Thank you for sharing your lives, activities, fashions and projects. You inspire me to jump back in and post what I want to.

So if you are inspired, I say - blog what you want.
PS: If your blog isn't in the tab above, leave a link in the comments below and I will get it added!


  1. You are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Whew! For a second there, I thought you were going to say you are going to stop blogging. Glad that isn't the case. As you know, this way you mentioned is exactly how I blog. It is a mis-match of recipes, knitting projects, travel, videos and just all kinds of stuff.

    But, I blog for me, not for others. I know a lot if people blog as a job, to make money and that is ok for them, perfectly fine. But that just isn't for me.

    Glad to see you are just gong to blog whatever you want to blog!!!

  3. Wow! 9+ years. That is great. I have only been going for about 4. I have read a few of your posts although never commenting. That will change. Continue on and encourage newbies like me. God bless

  4. I'm with Disneypal, I thought you were gonna say that you were out as well. Eeek! I'm glad that you're stickin' around & sharing with us. I enjoy reading your postings. :)

  5. PS - I made your list! Awhoo hoo! That makes me feel special! Thanks! :)


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