Wednesday, April 13, 2016

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Today I'm linking up with Rachel for What I'm Loving Wednesday. Please stop by her blog and others that link up!

This week, I'm loving:

*My husband and kids!!!!

*The upcoming weekend forecast!

*I started knitting a shawl/scarf last night. I think it's going to be pretty when it's done.

*We tried these last night. Meh...not my favorite M & Ms. The honey nut were probably the best of the three.

*These posts from Facebook:


*That whatever sinus crap I had going on over the weekend is finally easing. UGH!


*Working toward getting in 10,000 steps each day (hasn't been so good the past week)

*New blogging friendships

*An old high school friend getting back in touch and catching up

What are YOU loving this week?


  1. That's a great weather forecast! It's going to be a little warmer here. I think we have rain in the forecast for Sunday. I tried knitting with a loom, but got frustrated. Lol. I also didn't have instructions on how to use it. Maybe I should find some and try it out!!

    Thanks for linking up! :)

  2. Honey Nut M&M's...hmmm...I may have to search for those & give 'em a try. The Chili Nut ones...not so much. :p

  3. That weather looks amazing! :)

  4. We tried the new M&M's (well Brian and Brookie did ... I couldn't because of my diet! LOL!) in Las Vegas at their store .. and they didn't like the chili one! :)

  5. I haven't seen those M & M's - perhaps they haven't made it down to my part of the country yet.

    What I am loving this week - the weather! So nice and springy!! No humidity. I don't need the a/c or the heat. It is perfect.


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