Monday, April 18, 2016

The weekend

is over already....  Happy Tax Day!!!!  The weather over the weekend was GORGEOUS and it went WAY too fast!!!!!

I am linking up today with B Loved Boston for her weekend recap link up.

We didn't do A LOT but Little Miss & I enjoyed the weather as much as we could. My Mr. and Young Mr. worked all weekend digging fence post holes and got sunburned.

Saturday morning, Mr. & I went for a 6 mile walk (after 4 miles on Friday evening). My legs are still killing me!
The boys headed out to work and Little Miss & I took our books out to the porch to relax a little. I pulled weeds and Little Miss picked up sticks and junk in the yard for a couple of hours.

Little Miss wanted to do a little "photo shoot" with her Littlest Pet Shop animals. She staged, I shot.

We all caught the matinee of The Jungle Book.
It was a little drug out in places but followed the story very closely (which I always appreciate!).

Yesterday morning, was more porch reading. I had to work in the afternoon, so Little Miss & I walked to the library to soak up a little more "nice".

After work, I made chicken alfredo for dinner - it wasn't too bad!

I watched Mr. & Mrs. Cardinal start making their nest in our bushes out front. It should be an interesting spring if they are going to be around!

I hope you all had a good weekend!


  1. I'm on the fence about seeing The Jungle Book! I've heard really good things so I may change my mind.

  2. A 6 mile walk! How awesome!!

  3. Sounds like a lovely weekend! My ddil's sister walks 5 miles a day and has lost 70 lbs in about 9 months. Not too shabby eh? The weather was absolutely gorgeous in my neck of the woods too. When you live in NE Ohio, we appreciate nice weather-kind of like how we appreciate it when our Indians win :)


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