Wednesday, April 20, 2016

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Happy Wednesday! We're almost halfway through the week. I hope things are good with you!

I am linking up with RACHEL today. (She's a huge Texas Rangers fan - check out her blog!!!)

This week I'm loving:
*My husband's encouragement
*My Cubbies have an 11-3 record!!!!!!!!! (3 weeks until I go to a game...)
*Little photography projects coming together
*Twitter - I've connected with some awesome readers and baseball fans
*A texted meme when I need a laugh
*Family time
*The flowers blooming and the trees turning green
*100 years of US National Parks
*Posting a new link up post tomorrow (Thursday 13, coming soon!)

What are YOU loving this week?
Feel free to link up with Rachel.


  1. ohhh I'm looking forward to seeing that new linkup! :)

  2. I've been watching some Cubs games on MLB Network. Yeah for them! :) How exciting you get to go to a game soon, can't wait to see pictures!!

    Twitter is greatness! Some of my very best friends that I have now I originally met on Twitter!!

    Thanks for being faithful and linking up!!


  3. I am loving this BEAUTIFUL spring we've been having. Normally in my part of the is 30 degrees one day then 90 degrees the next, but this year, we have had the most pleasant Spring. Temps in the high 60s/low 70s, beautiful clear non-humid days.


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