Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I've Been Tagged

6 weird things about me (from Shootin the Poop - link to the right)

1. I love to travel but hate to fly.
2. I like to eat Cool Whip out of the container.
3. I enjoy getting dressed up once in a while, even if it means wearing pantyhose.
4. I think I am a better on-line friend than an in real life friend, for whatever reason...
5. I enjoy working 2 jobs (most of the time) - I feel like I have too much free time if I'm not working.
6. I can't usually sit and watch TV or a movie for more than an hour.

Tag to: La, Aimee, Holly, Jane and Brianna


  1. Anonymous10:52 AM

    2 jobs! Dang girl! I wouldn;t survive!

  2. LOL Dang I JUST saw this! LOL let me go dig up a few weird things LOL



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