Thursday, November 02, 2006

That's it....

I am SO tired of being in scrapbook swaps and things not "being right" - I quit!!!!! It's so frustrating and humiliating!!!!!!! ARGH! In this case, the hostess was VERY kind about my not meeing all the specifications so I can not fault her for that but man....

I was in a swap a couple of months ago where the hostess sent my items back to me because they were not up their standards. Boy, you want to talk about HUMILIATING!!!!!!

Ok, I'm done.... pity party over!

I hope you are all having a good week - it's Thursday - so here comes the weekend! Have a good one!


  1. Anonymous12:04 PM

    That sucks!! That is why I try to stay out of swaps cuz some people think that their stuff is the best and others don't meet their standards. Thankfully, I haven't had that happen to me. I'll swap with ya!!

  2. Thanks, Rachel! I may take you up on that!

  3. Oh my gosh, that's crazy...not to mention rude!

  4. Anonymous6:07 PM

    That sucks, but I'll do you one better. My lead teacher told me yesterday that she doesn't think I have what it takes to be a teacher.

    I am sorry someone did that to you. That takes guts to send someone back their handmade items.

  5. :( Sorry to hear about that. I've never been in a swap...but I'm a a c.j. group gone bad!!

  6. Jen- that sooo stinks.. you know it is just nt right... your art is your art- and no one can critique it because it is YOURS! The suck.. forgetaboutem!! We love ya!! I'll swap with ya too.. anytime!


  7. Next time tell the hostess where to shove her standards. :-)

  8. geez how rude :( your better off without their attitudes.

  9. Anonymous1:40 AM

    How rude!!! Scrapbooking is meant to be fun.....good for you making the decision!

  10. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Not up to standards? That's insane. Whose job is it to decide whether scrapbook stuff is up to standards? Someone's a little too full of themselves I think.

    Don't let the bitches get you down, sister.

  11. That is absolutely INSANE!!! You should only scrapbook for yourself if that's how it's gonna be! Do it because you like to be creative and because you are creating a legacy of all of your memories. It doesn't matter what others think--just that you're making something you and your family like!! That's what i do--I do it for myself, for my family, for my future, and for the fun of it! Forget getting published or being on design teams or worrying aboutkeeping up with the trends. I love to read the mags and am thrilled with those people I know who do it for those reasons--but you certainly don't HAVE to!!!
    Keep scrapping because you love to!

  12. sheesh that's terrible!
    you can send me something, Jen!

  13. Someone sent your stuff back to you? Holy cow!! I can feel your frustration, and humiliation! I'd probably cry for days! LOL!


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