Thursday, February 08, 2007

I'm a bad blogger!

Sorry! I've been using the 'puter for job hunting and haven't had much interest in it other than that!

A little update:
Sunday - Da Bears....what can I say? It was a sad ending to a great season! DH is still upset. Hopefully by August, he'll be over it....
Monday - no school for DS because it was SO cold! I'm pretty sure the official temperature was FREAKIN' COLD!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday - still cold and we got snow (about 4"). Winter is definately still here!
Wednesday - didn't do a whole lot. Cleaned out a couple of cupboards (we're going to have a GREAT garage sale this year) then sat with DH and watched Game Show Network.
Today - DH went to the dr for stomach pain, again! It's still cold! I applied for a couple more jobs.

A few things I have learned in the last 10 days:
1. Sitting still is not really for me.
2. When I'm angry, the treadmill is my friend.
3. I've been able to focus on my writing - I've not had that "luxury" before. I've gotten about 10 pages written this week.
4. Doctor visits without insurance SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5. Anger is a great source to channel for cleaning.
6. Kleenex commercials CAN make you cry.
7. When you post your resume at a job search website - every insurance agency in the country wants to talk to you.
8. "Extra things" at school are always "needed" when you don't have a job.
9. I get whiny when I have a major life interuption.
10. My DH & I will probably not be able to retire together, for fear of one of us killing each other. :D Just kidding....
11. According the "experts" on the career personality quizzes I have taken - I am best suited to be a "dealer in games of chance". ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!!!!!????????? I can barely play Go Fish!

I hope you all have had a great week and a good weekend ahead!


  1. Sounds like you're getting all kinds of "life lessons" and "character building" experiences! *sigh* Better than a mallet to the head, though, right? Oh, and about doctor's visits without insurance, DO ask them if they can run tests in house, DO ask for a discount for paying in full at time of service -- you never know!

  2. Anonymous7:34 PM

    I totally cry at the Kleenex commercial.

    Also, if you have a future as a dealer in games of chance, move to Vegas. It's a mecca for those sorts of things.

  3. Hugs!!! I love the game show network :)

  4. This is a great post... LOL you are too funny.. I am glad you are getting through this with your sense of humor still going strong!

    HUGS chicky!


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