Thursday, February 15, 2007

Potty training, Day, uh, um....

OH, who knows! It's been too many days! DD is finally starting to "get it" though. She goes at school (love peer pressure) and is starting to do it here at home. She tinkled a little this morning then got up and finished all over the floor. She was standing there almost in tears and I didn't have the heart to scold or anything. I just cleaned her up, told her gently that next time she needs to relax and sit for a few minutes. DS, bless his heart, finished getting her dressed while I cleaned the bathroom. I just feel relieved that she's starting to understand it and do it now. I live for the day of no pull ups!

In other "news"....I will be helping DH install some cabinets on a house this morning. THAT should be interesting! I work at the library this afternoon and evening.

I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day! DH took me out for lunch yesterday. Pot Belly - nothing fancy, but no kids. : )

Have a Happy Thursday!


  1. I just started potty training my little girl...she's 16 months. We'll see how it :)

  2. I started to potty train miss briana. It's hard, will see how it goes. :)

  3. Potty training was very easy with my two older girls, but little Scout just refused to do it (" I know how to go... I don't want to go!") until one day she just decided to go. She was 2 1/2, much older than the others... but is a perfect potty-ier now. No wet beds, goes great now. So, my advice is--don't stress the child out and it will happen!


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