Friday, February 02, 2007

Writing & Stuff

As I've had some "extra" time this week, I have been doing some writing. (Not just resumes and applications) I have found it to be a wonderful creative release. I've been casually working on a story for a few year and it has taken on life again this week. I love it when the words just flow out of my fingertips.

My DH finally got rid of his P.O.S. van yesterday. He had been going to get a new one this week and then when I lost my job, it became a source of debate and stress. He was due to have about $2000 in repairs on a 17 year old van that was LITERALLY falling apart. I mean literally! So, yesterday, we took the plunge, and got a new van for him. We took the repair money and sunk it into a down payment and a couple of monthly payments. Now if I can just keep him from adding stuff to it....boys and their toys! I am happy he did it and know that his chances of breaking down are MUCH less than with his old van and I feel safer with him driving the kids around now.

I ran! Yes, RAN yesterday. I got on the treadmill and mile went by and I was DYING!!!!!!!!!! I walked another mile after that. I hadn't had a workout like that in AGES - I had some aggravation to work out.

It's Groundhog Day - "Phil" has predicted an early spring. REALLY???? Let me tell you - it feels NOTHING like spring here today. It is almost 9 a.m. and it's a balmy 7 degrees with a windchill of -8. Woooo! Sunday the high is supposed to be 3. Yes, three! Winter is still here for now.

I hope you all have a good weekend! GO BEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Hi Jen... I love to write, but I wish I found it easier to make it sound more interesting .. I need lots of practise LOL... good for you tho :)

  2. Look at you... writing AND running... keep up the fun stuff!

  3. How fun to be writing-- I used to write alot when I was younger!!

    Good for you for running and walking on the treadmill-- I still haven't got on mine this year :(

    Congrats on getting a new van!!


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