Saturday, February 10, 2007

Saturday Night

DH is asleep on the couch so I thought I'd check in with a quick update....

Nothing too exciting! I made cinnamon rolls to throw in the oven for breakfast tomorrow morning - mmmm!!!!!! Work was crazy busy today - who knew the cold brought people to the library in herds? Crazy....but I loved it! And can I say that when I'm working in that old, beautiful building, I just have to look around at the architecture and engravings on the marble walls - they are amazing. And I swear every time I'm there - I see something I hadn't seen before.

I've gotten a little scrapping done, but more talking about doing it than actually doing it. I am all set up and ready to go tomorrow - no excuses! DD is ready to "scrap" with me so she'll keep me on track!

I hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend!


  1. I want a Cinnamon Roll---YUMMY! :)

    Have fun scrapping tomorrow Jen!

  2. Talking about scrapping counts!! LOL Glad you love the library... I think I would like to work there- if it weren't for the people! LOL


  3. Mmmm, cinnamon rolls!!! Love em...
    How fun would it be work in a library. I just love wandering around them and soaking in the smell!
    Thanks so much for the sweet comments on my posts the last few days. DH is home from the hospital; thank goodness!!

  4. Anonymous11:30 PM

    You have my dream job...working at a library. We need to catch up soon. I have a zillion things to tell you.

  5. Love cinnamon rolls....especially just out of the oven. Always loved going to the library. Glad you love working there. :)


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