Monday, February 26, 2007


Here are some of my favorite dresses from last night:

This was SO much prettier without the jacket, in my opinion:

Photos from

Ok, so I watched, as usual, and I have a couple of comments.

First - Ellen Degeneres was hilarious! I loved her!
Second - if you cut out some of the tributes and montages - you could be done on time!
Third - please do not use this entertainment platform as a political platform - that drives me crazy!!!!!

Congratulations to all the nominees!


  1. Love the dresses! I did not get to watch. I got distracted with some creating! I get bored with all the commentary too though! Political stuff and the tributes. Just get to the point I say!

  2. Anonymous11:05 AM

    I so agree. This is the oscars. You should only be on stage to present. It was not a political issue rally or a comedy club. Al Gore, Leo and Jerry Seinfeld I am looking at you!

  3. loved these dressed except for the coat jHud had on.

  4. I totally agree on the dresses...Helen Mirren was my fave...she is so gorgeous! Ellen was hilarious as usual and what was Jennifer Hudson thinking with that jacket?? I breathed a sigh of relief when they showed her in her seat and it was gone..LOL :)

  5. Loved the beautiful dresses but I got bored with all the "extras" --just give the awards for crying outloud! lol

  6. Anonymous10:53 PM

    I SOOOO preferred Jennifer Hudsons dress without that weird jacket too! And I heart Ellen!! Isn't she great?

  7. Anonymous11:17 PM

    I loved Ellen too! And Jennifer Hudson came out today and said she felt presured ny the handlers at Vogue to wear rhat jacket and she regretted it


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