This post came from Jessica at Wifesticated please go check out her blog!
The Rules
- Each blogger should answer the questions the tagger has set for you.
- Choose eleven new bloggers to pass the award on to and link them in your post.
- Create eleven new questions for the chosen bloggers.
- Go back to their page and tell them about the award.
- Each blogger should post eleven random facts about themselves.
- No Tag Backs!!
Questions from Jessica
What kind of car do you drive? Chrysler Town and Country minivan in a light blue that my DH hates (cuz it's girly...)
If you could have 3 wishes, what would your first wish be? For more wishes
What is your favorite country song? I can only pick 1?! Ummmm....hmmmm... How about if I just say in general - anything by Kenny Chesney
If you could see anyone in concert dead or alive, who would it be? Elvis
If you had your own show on E!- what would it be called? Are you serious?
What is your dream job? A writer and photographer
Where is the one place in the world you want to travel to? Italy
If you could be any age for the rest of your life, what age would it be? 39 (I'm pretty happy with where I am in life right now)
What kind of exotic animal would you want as a pet? A giraffe
What is your favorite dessert? Cookies (preferably chocolate chip)
One piece of blogging advice for others. Don't feel obligated to blog everyday!
11 Random Facts
*Wizard of Oz if my favorite movie ever
*I've been reading Gone with the Wind for a year
*My secret dream is to take a leave of absence from work and scrapbook for a year
*I hold onto hope every year that the Cubs will win it all
*I love my full-time job
*I put on a helluva a concert driving to and from work
*I stay up too late reading many nights
*I love cooking in my crockpot
*I cry at movies
*I may have an addiction to Pinterest
*My head is full of little decorating ideas
Anyone can do this! Jump in, have fun with it - leave me a comment so I can come check out your post.
Questions for You:
1. What is your favorite color?
2. What is your favorite place you've ever traveled?
3. Can you speak a language that isn't English? What is it?
4. What is your favorite movie?
5. Do you have a lucky number?
6. What is your favorite place to eat out?
7. List your hobbies
8. What website do you visit daily?
9. What household task do you dread most?
10. What was the last good book you read?
11. Do you prefer to vacation or staycation?