Monday, March 25, 2013

Monday gratitudes

I would like to start my gratitude post today with a request for prayers/good thoughts. My FIL is having a lens in his eye replaced today and he seemed a little nervous yesterday. Thank you!

This week I am grateful for:
*My husband and our kids
*Our kids getting excited about our summer trip
*My husband that spoils and surprises me
*A little scrapbooking time
*Seeing a robin (come on spring!)
*Picking up a book that I can't put down
*My scrapbook group meeting this week
*Getting an e-mail from a friend I haven't heard from in a long time
*My blog readers and commenters (thank you!)

I hope you have much to be grateful for this week.


  1. So, oddly enough, my FIL is having surgery on his eye today too...weird. Prayers for both of them!

  2. Hope the surgery went well. Where are yall going this summer?

  3. How did your FIL's surgery go?


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