Monday, March 11, 2013

It's Monday again

Hello friends!  I hope you had a good weekend. Why do they go so fast?

This week I am grateful for:
*some child-free time with my husband
*sending off our son on his first "no family" trip
*seeing the happiness on ourdaughter's face when she showed me the headbands she made
*a little scrapping time
*my husband taking me to see Oz the Great and Powerful (loved it!)
*the snow is melting, even if it's been raining for two days
*getting a preliminary diagnosis [premature ventricular contractions (PVC)] and getting an appointment with the cardiologist this month

I got this scrapbook layout finished:
A second one is on my desk almost completed. Hopefully you will see it here soon!

What did you do this weekend?


  1. I'm glad they figured out what was where to go from there?

    Glad you've been having some time to yourself and husband-we all need that!


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