Thursday, March 14, 2013

It's OK Thursday, vol. 2

Happy Thursday!  I'm linking up with Amber and Neely.

It's OK.....

...that the time change is kicking my butt!
...that I haven't spent much time crafting this week. hate school projects that involve shoe boxes.
...not to wear full makeup everyday.
...that I didn't exercise like I should have this week. be tired of snow. be super excited about a gardening catalog that came in the mail. look forward to the weekend, even though I'm working most of it. tell people I'm Irish (even if it's just because I have an Irish name by marriage).
...that I get frustrated with people. want cookies for breakfast.

What's OK with you this week?


  1. Anonymous4:02 PM hate my winter wardrobe. wish the cleaning fairy would come.
    ..enjoy the extra hour of daylight in the evening. read at the breakfast table.

  2. LOL at the shoebox comment. I thought I was the only one. :)

  3. not fill in for someone at work Monday and stay home to mourn just a little longer.

    Love the shoebox and makeup comments lol. Love them all actually.


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