Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sunday randomness

Happy Sunday all!
So there are snowflakes in the air this morning....Puxatony Phil must die!!!  This is making me mad now.

I did a little scrapping yesterday

We went to the Chicago Rush game last night. The Rush lost (the die hards in my house were bummed). A great story though, the national anthem was sung by a Special Olympian. Was it a great rendition? Not really, BUT I guarantee you...NO ONE ever sang it with more heart! The players from both teams high fived him and hugged him when he was done.  There were a few tears wiped away by the time he was done too. To me, it was beautiful!

Baseball season starts in 8 days!  8 days!  I'm not expecting great (or even good) things from my Cubbies, but....I look forward to the season anyway.

Hoping the snow goes away and I can get another scrapbook layout or two done today.  Have a great Sunday!


  1. Love it!
    Very talented you are!

  2. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Your Dad cracked up at your line about that little rodent in PA! Too true. This snow is depressing but not much we can do about it. Enjoy your Sunday.

  3. snow?!? ick!! (that darn groundhog, lol!) hopefully you're having warmer weather, now that baseball season is just around the corner!


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