Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A funny story

I told my DH that I needed to go to the store to pick up a few "personal items".  He didn't say anything, just nodded. When we got to the store I asked if he was coming in or waiting in the car.  He came in - we ran into some friend we hadn't seen in a while and visited with them.
So I got what I needed, went to the register and put them on the belt. Then I grabbed a couple of candy bars, threw them on and said "Just to complete the ensemble..."  He looked at it, and started laughing.  "Chocolate, I get it."
The girl at the register rang everything up and when she asked if I wanted the candy, I said "I'll take one of them. Thanks"  And did something I've never done, started eating it while I was still in the store.  Ahhhhh - it was good!

DH handled our stop well and even got a laugh!


  1. :) Sounds like something I would do. LOL!

  2. Haha! Good for you !

  3. I've never done that before!! One time I tore open a bag of donuts once I got in the car and had them eaten by the time I got home though... :) It was one of "those" weeks!


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