Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Take a memo!

Date: March 5, 2013
To: Mother Nature
From: Concerned citizens of the Midwest
Re: Weather

Apparently you have forgotten to check your calendar!  8 inches of snow is NOT supposed to be happening now.  This is more of a January storm. I would like to ask you to please review the calendar and weather occurences.

Thank you for your consideration!


  1. Haha I hope Mother Nature listens! We have been having a LOT of snow!

  2. Amen! We have 8 foot drifts in our yard!!!

  3. Dear Jen, Please amend your memo and ask Mother Nature not to send the storm east. :) Thank you!

  4. Anonymous2:29 PM

    PS Memo to village snow plow drivers: Please do not fill in the end of my driveway 30 minutes after it was cleaned up. sigh


  5. I agree!! But with RAIN here in NC. What is going on with the weather?!


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