Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday Fun

I LOVE this commercial!
Fine print: Unless you are a professional bobsledder, only one person on the slide at a time.

Psssst...."my" Chicago Fire episode airs this coming Tuesday (2/25).

And just really cool!

I wish you all a great weekend!
Any plans?


  1. Cute commercial! :)

    No big plans except my son has "History Day" for school tomorrow and that is going to take up a good chunk of the day for the two of us.

  2. I love that commercial! I crack up everytime I see it. :)

  3. Cute commercial - I hadn't seen it before.

    My plans are that I am going to a women's retreat this weekend.

    Hope you have a nice weekend too.

  4. That commercial is ADORABLE!! LOVING the Chariots of Fire music!! And CAN'T wait to see your cameo in CF!!!!!


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