Thursday, February 20, 2014

10 & Stuff

Little Miss had a big birthday yesterday....

She got Bananagrams (a game), a Barbie closet carrying case and a Rainbow Loom (which she used most of the evening-pictures to come!).

Happy birthday, punkin!


I completed this crochet square for a crochet along. (and I'm behind, as square 2 is posted).
I'm happy with it. I plan to do all the squares in blues & browns.

For my scrapping friends, feel free to jump in on a couple of challenges....
Join the ladies over at Use your Stash
Above is my "kit" I put together for February (green, yellow, gold and woodgrain), using only my stash. I am excited to put together some layouts with it.
(You can join them through Facebook and Flickr too)

Also, join Kelly and Heather at Two Midwest Girls for their color challenge.
Link up with them, show off your creation using this combo and you may win a fabulous prize!

PS: If you want a fun, informative scrapbooking podcast to listen to, chevk out Scrap Owl. Renee is great!

Get your craft on and have a great Thursday!


  1. Happy birthday to your girl!! Loving the photos!!!!!!

  2. Aw Happy Birthday Little Miss!!
    Omg I'm so jealous of the Barbie Closet, that is definitely something I needed when I was a kid!!!

  3. oooo Lots of FUn stuff. Happy Birthday!

  4. happy birthday to your little one!

  5. Happy Birthday to her - how fun!!

    Love your granny square. I like the scrapbook challenges. I don't think I have ever done a color challenge before.

    I haven't scrapped in so long - I miss it but just can't seem to find the time for it these days.

  6. Happy Birthday to her!!!! :)

  7. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Happy Birthday Sara! Believe me, I would've loved to have the Barbie closet when I was a girl.

  8. Woohoo! Double digits! That's a big deal! I hope she had a very happy birthday!! :o)


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