Monday, February 24, 2014


Happy Monday all!
I hope you had a good weekend.

Little Miss had a GREAT time at her Rainbow Loom class. Thank you Michaels! She learned a new pattern and knew about half the kids there.

Thank you to all the new blog and twitter followers I've gotten the past week. Thank you to those who have continued to follow, read and comment.
You are all wonderful and appreciated!

This week has the makings of a pretty good week, so far!  (Stay tuned for an exciting announcement in the next couple of days...)

I was a little sad to see the Olympics come to an end last night but hoping to get back to my regular sleep schedule and TV viewing. Thank you Sochi for a fun 16 days. 
Dear NBC, your coverage was a little A.D.D. We couldn't seem to get into an event before you switched to something else.
Dear Athletes, you are all champions to me! You should be proud of yourselves for competing at that level - regardless of where you finished.

I will say (part of my 'makings of a good week') - I am looking forward to tomorrow night's Chicago Fire episode. First, it will be back on TV. We'll see if I make the reel for the show or am on the cutting room floor. (I have my bet placed...) [And I will post about my experience after the show airs]
Third, this Wednesday night is a new Chicago PD - which is a Law & Order:SVU crossover - it should be a good one!
Also, The Voice starts again tonight - wahoo!

Here's hoping you all had a great weekend and your week is wonderful!


  1. Can't wait to see you in the show!!!

  2. I hope you made the cut for the show, that is pretty amazing! :)

  3. Omg were you in the show? That is so exciting!!! I hope you were :)

    And I totally agree about the Olympic coverage, I wish they had it on more channels so we could watch more sports for longer!

  4. Anonymous7:08 AM

    I agree that the Olympics were a little scattered. I know its hard to cover everything but I'd like to see more than 1 or 2 ski runs at a time. Twice, that's all they did and then moved on to something else.

    Dad and I are ready to watch your show tonight. Neither of us has ever seen the show so it should be interesting.


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