Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sunday Social

It's Sunday again! 
Time to link up with ASHLEY and NEELY again!
I hope you will link up and/or stop by and read some blogs.
Happy Sunday!

1. What are your favorite things to do on a lazy day?
 I love to read, watch a movie, do something that doesn't require a lot of thought or energy.

2. What is your tv guilty pleasure?
 Dance Moms

3. What is your favorite road trip music?
 Whatever radio station will come in, which leads to who can name the song fastest.

4. What are your favorite magazines of books to read by the pool or laying around?
 I love the gossipy magazines (People; Entertainment Weekly; etc) while relaxing.

5. What is your favorite snack?
 I love cookies and chips.


  1. Anonymous5:27 AM

    This is a fun series slash collaboration! Two down one to go, it's a lot fun reading these little personal facts about you girls :-)

  2. I am a total People mag. junkie!!!!

  3. Gossipy magazines are the best!

    Katherine Nicole

  4. Dance moms is my guilty please too!

  5. I love cookies and chips too! A little too much though :(

  6. Yes, I used to watch Dance Moms all the time! I love cookies too. Trying to cut back though so that these abs can come through be early summer!

  7. I've never seen dance moms but now I want to watch it and eat cookies--damn you!

  8. I love Dance Moms too! My mom loves People magazine. She gets aggravated if it doesn't show up on time. I'd love some cookies right now! Yum!

  9. I tried to watch Dance Moms once and it actually scared me LOL Great guilty pleasure show though ;)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog xx

  10. Cookies - yes!
    Gossip mags - double yes! (I work for a publishing company so I get lots of them for free)
    and Dance moms - cray cray!


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