Monday, February 10, 2014

Happy Monday!

In an effort to keep my "case of the Mondays" away...
I will look back at our fun weekend!
Saturday night, we drove through the snow to a minor league hockey game (Hey, that fulfills a 40 in 14 too - attend professional sporting event...). We sat 4 rows off the ice and got to see the Hogs blow out the Wild, 8-3. Lil Miss was super excited to sit where we did AND that one of the crowd cheers included the word "sucks" and we didn't yell at her for doing it.
Yesterday, we Lil Miss and one of her friends to Disney on Ice, Let's Celebrate,
(video from You Tube)
for her birthday (in 10 days). It was fun and a little taste of Disney. Then, her friend stayed at our house and they hung out for a few hours.
How was your weekend?


  1. Happy Birthday to Lil Miss! Sounds like you were around a lot of ice this weekend.

  2. Hockey games are the best! Glad you had fun!

  3. Happy birthday - don't forget ice ice baby!

  4. Ohhhhh I love Disney on Ice and Hockey!!!! Happy birthday!!!!!

  5. so awesome! my daughter LOVES disney on ice. we take her every year :)


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