Monday, April 14, 2014

Go ahead...

Try to put me down!
Put down my creative work!
Hint that my projects "aren't as good" as yours!
I am happy with my creativity and the projects I complete.
(and I'm not in a competition with anyone...)
I have learned in my almost 40 years, some people act like that to make themselves "feel better" and I THINK (I'm not a professional on this), it's mostly because they can't handle the fact that others may be different than them or may think differently and have opinions different than theirs. I think that's sad, because who doesn't want to embrace the differences in those we love? If we were all the same, this world would be an incredibly boring place!
It makes it hard to stay in relationships with people like that though. I feel almost poisoned. It's something I find myself struggling with a lot lately.
How do you end a longtime relatioship that has become toxic?
(This has nothing to do with my husband, so don't worry about that!)

[stepping off my soapbox now]


  1. I have a hard time with that as well. Always comparing myself and comiing up short. Which isn't always a bad thing. Its the others constantly pointiing that out that's annoying. I find that toxic relationships can just drift apart naturally.

  2. You are awesome and don't let anyone tell you different!

  3. Just by doing what you said. Realizing that the problem is them and not you!
    I removed myself from a toxic relationship that is unfortunately a family member. But needed to be done.
    It's never easy though!

  4. Oh no, tell me who has upset you and I'll sort them out!!
    You need to let go of the toxic people in your life dear.
    I hope you feel a little better after venting xx

  5. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Venting helps, of course, but you need to just ignore them and sever your relationship. You are absolutely correct that those who criticize are feeling inferior themselves. Its just a bad thing and don't waste your time interacting. Your work is simple and beautiful.


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