Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Welcome to Wednesday!

Happy Wednesday!
I hope your week is going well. Sorry I've been a little MIA - my time has been filled with a few other things the past few days.
First, thank you all for your comments and emails on Friday's post. Your prayers and good thoughts are greatly appreciated! My FIL is having a procedure done in a couple of weeks to see how extensive the cancer is and what treatment options he will have.
Those of you requested to be on my 'snail mail' list, watch your mailboxes in the next few weeks.
We spent most of our meals this weekend, hovering around the grill. It was wonderful! We ate quite well, too. I am so glad we got a new grill and that warmer weather has returned!
The Mr. and Young Mr. went to the Hawks/Blues game on Sunday afternoon, in which the Hawks beat the Blues to move on in the playoffs. They had a GREAT time! The Mr. bought me a puck of my "hockey crush". Saad's a great player and works hard!
While they were at the game Little Miss and I sewed; painted our nails; walked to the library; watched a movie and I managed to sneak in a nap. It was a nice afternoon for us too!
This week has just been work, work, work so far. Nothing too exciting!
I hope you are all well!
Have a great day!
PS: I was so happy a new Chicago Fire was on last night. Tonight is the 2nd part of the crossover with Chicago PD - gonna have to rush home from work so I don't miss too much...


  1. I love your proton positivity... I might have to use that for a few weeks.

    I'm so glad grilling season is back, there is something about not washing pans after dinner that makes life so much easier.

    Have a wonderful day

  2. Yummy - that food on the grill looks good - love corn on the cob grilled like that.

    I like your Proton quote - I have a similar one. I say that my attitude in life is like my blood type - B Positive :)

    Continue those positive thought for your FIL.

  3. I'm sorry to hear about your Father in Law. My FIL has been fighting cancer now for 2 years and staying positive is huge! Hang in there!

  4. The grillin' looks yummy!! And loving that proton quote! LOL!!!!!!

  5. Can't go wrong with grilling!


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