Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Literary Junkies - April 2014

It's that time of month again - Literary Junkies link up day! Feel free to join in and/or visit the blogs. (Click the Literary Junkies button to the right...).
Our discussion this month will be What Alice Forgot.

This month's questions:
1. What are you reading right now? Tell us about it!
The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton. It's about Nell - a little girl abandoned on a ship dock, taken in by a dockworker and his wife. When the secret that she is not really theirs comes out, there are repurcussions through the many generations of Nell's family. Her granddaughter sets out to find out why.
2. Divergent, Hunger Games, or Twilight. Which do you prefer and why? (If you've never read them which do you think you'd prefer?)
Hunger Games - no doubt for me. I liked the storyline and characters most of all three of these series.
3. TV Series Based on Books they start out very close to the book to draw in the fans but then will start to separate themselves by changing things and adding characters. What are you thoughts on this?
I have a problem with them adding characters and major events from the book(s).
4. You've just been recruited to help a movie studio bring your favorite book to the big screen. What's the movie and who are you choosing to play the main characters?
Ooooo - this is a tough one! I like so many books...
For today, I am going to pick The Silver Bear by Derek Haas. GREAT action book! I would definately pick Bruce Willis to be the lead.
5. Going back to the above question, do you keep it word for word the same or do you use this chance to change little things you thought would make the book better?
I would want things to be as close to the book as is possible.
6. After you finish a physical copy of a book do you keep it for a reread, put it on a shelf to collect dust, donate it to Goodwill, or do you just not purchase physical copies of books?
I don't buy a lot of books BUT the copies that I do - I usually donate to our library's Friends of the Library sale or to Goodwill, OR I pass them on to someone and tell them to pass it on or donate it.
Looking forward to the Twitter party tonight!
What are you reading? I'm always up for book suggestions.


  1. Loved reading this! I am reading The Magpies right now, still up in the air if I like it or not :)

  2. I was given The Forgotten Garden ages ago and I still haven't read it yet! If only there was more time to read in life!!

  3. The Forgotten Garden sounds intriguing! I've added it to my list.

  4. I'm much more selfish about sharing my books. I'm still mad about two a friend never returned!

  5. I like when movies and TV series stay as close to the book as possible. Did you see My Sister's Keeper? Umm they totally butchered that. Horrible movie, great book!

    I'm hosting an accessories swap to benefit mental health awareness. Stop by and check it out! I hope you think about signing up.

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  6. I really enjoyed The Forgotten Garden!

  7. I'm not a "Literary Junkie" since I don't get to read as much as I would like but I really want to read "What Alice Forgot".

    I liked your question prompts so I used them on my blog too - hope you don't mind :)

  8. I'm pretty sure I have The Forgotten Garden on my to read list. I've heard good things.

  9. I love everything by Kate Morton! Just finished reading Dry Grass of August. Tough to get through, but well written.

  10. I've never read anything by Kate Morton. Will have to add The Forgotten Garden to my list! Thanks for linking up with us!


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