Thursday, April 10, 2014

To my friends...

I have come to realize lately, that I have a lot of friends.

I love my "real life/in person" friends, but A LOT of them are on-line and blogging friends but many of them I feel like I have gotten to know quite well and could go to anytime with anything. The advent of facetime and skype has made it a little easier to have "face time" with them and to catch up with them.
I have laughed with my friends, cried with them and done my best to support and encourage them through things in their lives.
I have seen some get engaged and married, some have babies, some send their kids off to college or get married themselves, some I have seen send a military spouse off to deployment.

Thank you to all of you who have cheered me up and on, picked me up and dusted me off and listened to my rants about something or nothing. You are all wonderful and caring friends!

I have loved sharing all the stages of life with my friends, so far!

I love getting email and love to hear from my friends that way.

I feel sad that I don't send snail mail letters and cards like I used to. I think I will try to get better about sending mail.

Feel free to drop me a line anytime!
My email is:
I hope you're having a great week!


  1. Hugs sweet friend! I hope you are having an amazing week. :)

  2. Soooooooo sweet!!!! {{{hugs}}}}

  3. Isn't it amazing how incredible the internet is in connecting us with people we may never have met in years past!

    And I feel the exact same way about snail mail. My goal was to send at least one card a month this year and so far I am at a big fat zero!

  4. Aww this is lovely xx

  5. Getting fun notes is great but real mail is truly the best!

  6. Friends are great - what would we do without them? :)


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