Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Welcome to Wednesday!

Happy Wednesday!
I hope your week is going well. Sorry I've been a little MIA - my time has been filled with a few other things the past few days.
First, thank you all for your comments and emails on Friday's post. Your prayers and good thoughts are greatly appreciated! My FIL is having a procedure done in a couple of weeks to see how extensive the cancer is and what treatment options he will have.
Those of you requested to be on my 'snail mail' list, watch your mailboxes in the next few weeks.
We spent most of our meals this weekend, hovering around the grill. It was wonderful! We ate quite well, too. I am so glad we got a new grill and that warmer weather has returned!
The Mr. and Young Mr. went to the Hawks/Blues game on Sunday afternoon, in which the Hawks beat the Blues to move on in the playoffs. They had a GREAT time! The Mr. bought me a puck of my "hockey crush". Saad's a great player and works hard!
While they were at the game Little Miss and I sewed; painted our nails; walked to the library; watched a movie and I managed to sneak in a nap. It was a nice afternoon for us too!
This week has just been work, work, work so far. Nothing too exciting!
I hope you are all well!
Have a great day!
PS: I was so happy a new Chicago Fire was on last night. Tonight is the 2nd part of the crossover with Chicago PD - gonna have to rush home from work so I don't miss too much...

Friday, April 25, 2014

TGIF & a little project!

I hope you've all had a good week. It's been a somewhat trying week at our house.
The Mr. received a call from him mom on Tuesday night to let us know his dad has been diagnosed with bladder cancer. We are in a wait & see holding pattern on the extent of the cancer and the type of treatment he will be going through. I have gotten to the mental point now where I am going to try to stay positive and pray he is determined to fight.
The week has been dragging butt for me - I am SO glad it's finally Friday! Has it been that way for anyone else?
I have decided to carry through with my "snail mail project" that I posted about a couple of weeks ago. So - if you would like to be on my list of recepients - please leave me a comment (something simple) and I'll email you for your address. (Please don't leave your address in the comments!)
What are your weekend plans?
I'll be working tomorrow and the Mr. and Young Mr. are heading to the Hawks/Blues game on Sunday, so Little Miss and I will have a girl afternoon at home. (Sounds good to me!)
Have a great one!
Thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

It's Wednesday!

Hello readers!
I hope your week is going well. It's been an interesting here thus far.
My scrap group meets tonight, super excited!
We grilled out dinner last night and it tasted wonderful!
I've gotten a little reading done but my eyes can't seem to stay open for more than a few pages...

April 23, 2014....HAPPY 100th BIRTHDAY to my beloved Wrigley Field!

Finally, I would like to ask you to keep my father in law in your prayers please. Thank you!

I hope your week is going well and fear not, the weekend is coming... It's hump day!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

New blog

I am going to keep up this blog but will post more of my scrapbooking over here....


I hope you'll stop by.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Weekend recap

Happy Monday!

To all running in Boston today - have a GREAT run!

We had a nice weekend!

Friday - we got a bonus couple hours off. An email went out at 2:30 stating we were closing. WOO HOO! It was great! I went home, sat on the deck and read. We went to dinner that evening with my in-laws. It was nice to see my brother and sister-in-law (and my parents-in-law).

Saturday, Little Miss and I went to the resale shop (for me). I found a couple of shirts, a skirt and a pair of shoes. It was a nice walk to and from.  I sat on the deck reading again for a couple of hours. Saturday afternoon, the four of us went to see Rio 2 - it was a cute movie, a little too musical but cute. Then we to dinner together; did a little shopping (the Mr. bought me a new pair of shoes...).

Yesterday was Easter - the Mr. and I ran to Lowes in the morning to pick out some flowers. Then we went home and got ready for lunch. We went to my aunt & uncle's. We sat on their deck all afternoon - it was PERFECT out!  Sunny, almost 80. I got a little sunburn on my forehead - and I don't care!  We left there - went to pick out our new grill. The Mr. and Young Mr. were putting that together in the dark last night...  I got my flowers planted (it's wonderful to have a little color in the yard again).

And we're back to work this week.

I hope you all had a great weekend & Easter!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Literary Junkies - April 2014

It's that time of month again - Literary Junkies link up day! Feel free to join in and/or visit the blogs. (Click the Literary Junkies button to the right...).
Our discussion this month will be What Alice Forgot.

This month's questions:
1. What are you reading right now? Tell us about it!
The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton. It's about Nell - a little girl abandoned on a ship dock, taken in by a dockworker and his wife. When the secret that she is not really theirs comes out, there are repurcussions through the many generations of Nell's family. Her granddaughter sets out to find out why.
2. Divergent, Hunger Games, or Twilight. Which do you prefer and why? (If you've never read them which do you think you'd prefer?)
Hunger Games - no doubt for me. I liked the storyline and characters most of all three of these series.
3. TV Series Based on Books they start out very close to the book to draw in the fans but then will start to separate themselves by changing things and adding characters. What are you thoughts on this?
I have a problem with them adding characters and major events from the book(s).
4. You've just been recruited to help a movie studio bring your favorite book to the big screen. What's the movie and who are you choosing to play the main characters?
Ooooo - this is a tough one! I like so many books...
For today, I am going to pick The Silver Bear by Derek Haas. GREAT action book! I would definately pick Bruce Willis to be the lead.
5. Going back to the above question, do you keep it word for word the same or do you use this chance to change little things you thought would make the book better?
I would want things to be as close to the book as is possible.
6. After you finish a physical copy of a book do you keep it for a reread, put it on a shelf to collect dust, donate it to Goodwill, or do you just not purchase physical copies of books?
I don't buy a lot of books BUT the copies that I do - I usually donate to our library's Friends of the Library sale or to Goodwill, OR I pass them on to someone and tell them to pass it on or donate it.
Looking forward to the Twitter party tonight!
What are you reading? I'm always up for book suggestions.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Go ahead...

Try to put me down!
Put down my creative work!
Hint that my projects "aren't as good" as yours!
I am happy with my creativity and the projects I complete.
(and I'm not in a competition with anyone...)
I have learned in my almost 40 years, some people act like that to make themselves "feel better" and I THINK (I'm not a professional on this), it's mostly because they can't handle the fact that others may be different than them or may think differently and have opinions different than theirs. I think that's sad, because who doesn't want to embrace the differences in those we love? If we were all the same, this world would be an incredibly boring place!
It makes it hard to stay in relationships with people like that though. I feel almost poisoned. It's something I find myself struggling with a lot lately.
How do you end a longtime relatioship that has become toxic?
(This has nothing to do with my husband, so don't worry about that!)

[stepping off my soapbox now]

Sunday, April 13, 2014

A memo to...

Date: Today
To: Jen
From: Jen
Re: Goals
It has come to my attention that you have been quite neglectful of your 40 in 14 list. Perhaps you need to look at it again and pick a few goals to tackle in the next 60 days.
Also, your wonderful sister invited you to join GO MIGHTY and you have really pretty much epically failed in keeping your goals listed on there and working toward them. You might want to look into doing a little something with this site.

How are your bucket list items going this year?

Friday, April 11, 2014

Friday Fun

Last night we went to see Gabriel Iglasieus and friends. Loooove them, they're so funny!

Here's a clip....

Have a great Friday and weekend!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

To my friends...

I have come to realize lately, that I have a lot of friends.

I love my "real life/in person" friends, but A LOT of them are on-line and blogging friends but many of them I feel like I have gotten to know quite well and could go to anytime with anything. The advent of facetime and skype has made it a little easier to have "face time" with them and to catch up with them.
I have laughed with my friends, cried with them and done my best to support and encourage them through things in their lives.
I have seen some get engaged and married, some have babies, some send their kids off to college or get married themselves, some I have seen send a military spouse off to deployment.

Thank you to all of you who have cheered me up and on, picked me up and dusted me off and listened to my rants about something or nothing. You are all wonderful and caring friends!

I have loved sharing all the stages of life with my friends, so far!

I love getting email and love to hear from my friends that way.

I feel sad that I don't send snail mail letters and cards like I used to. I think I will try to get better about sending mail.

Feel free to drop me a line anytime!
My email is:
I hope you're having a great week!

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Last weekend

Hi all, Happy Wednesday! I hope your weekend was wonderful!

We had a good one - an "unplugged", hang out with my family kind of weekend. Sadly, it seems like we need to leave town to have those...

Friday evening, we headed south - to St. Louis. It was a long drive in a driving wind. But we arrived safely and got checked in. We actually stayed in Valley Park - it's a nice area and our hotel was nice.

Saturday, we headed to Six Flags for their opening day (I added a few of the rides we rode to my 40 in 14 list). The weather was GORGEOUS - sunny, upper 50s. We all got a taste of sunshine. The crowd wasn't bad there at all! The longest we waited to ride anything all day (and we were there most of the day) was about half an hour. The highlight of the kids' day was winning super hero capes at a game.

We went back to our hotel about 5:30 and then to dinner at Dickey's BBQ Pit and Fritz's Frozen Custard - both were very tasty!

Sunday we went for an early lunch at Pappy's. If you miss this place while you're in St. Louis....shame on you. Best ribs EVER!!!! Get there early though. We stopped at Cahokia Mounds and climbed Monk's Mound and went through the Visitor's Center.

We had a nice weekend and it was hard to get going for work.

I hope your week is going well!

Friday, April 04, 2014

Happy Friday!

It's the Cubs home opener! They managed to get out of Pittsburgh with a win...  Hopefully Wrigley will be kind to them!

Last night was Little Miss's school spring sing. After the day I had, it was just what I needed! It was a fun program and some of the kids are sooooo entertaining! Ya know...shirt untucked, dancing in place, hamming it up. Just cracks me up!

I have made it this many "miles" this week in our work fitness challenge. I'm pretty proud of myself. The rest of my team is doing great, as well! My bum challenge is going well too.

These quotes have helped me through this week.

Have a great Friday and weekend!

Wednesday, April 02, 2014


I am way behind in some of my scrap challenges....I hope to work catching up a little in the next couple of weeks.

Speaking of behind....
Last week I put together some layouts from the 2003 (hangs head) Chesterton Wizard of Oz Festival we attended. They are simple but I love the papers and had fun doing them.

Tuesday, April 01, 2014

On to April....

First of all, thank you all for your sweet birthday wishes! You made a good day even better.
When I walked into work yesterday  morning, I found that my husband and son had decorated my desk - the entire top of my desk was covered with confetti and a giant banner on the front of my desk!

Desk decorations:
My co-workers got me a cake, flowers and a balloon.
It was a great birthday - I'm ready for this new decade in my life!
And now for some April "news":
THIS is the 30 day challenge I'm going to take this month. Who's with me?!
Give me a push, readers!
The second challenge I'm taking this month is through work. It's called Get Fit on Route 66.
Route 66, Oklahoma, United States of America, North America
For every minute you exerciese/do physical activity, it covers 3 miles of the road.
This started yesterday and after my morning workout this morning, I've made it 119 miles.
The incentive for this?
If I complete the entire 2,448 "miles" there's a cash incentive at the end. I'm planning on rocking this one!
My Cubbies didn't fare well yesterday. It took them extra innings to do it, but alas - they lost. Day off today and hopefully they'll do better tomorrow!