Thursday, February 02, 2017

February is National Heart Health Month

As a cardiac patient, I like advocating for this cause. I also want to remind you that tomorrow (2/3/17) is National Wear Red Day! I hope you will wear red and donate a little something to the American Heart Association. (PS: I would love to see your "red" - feel free to email your picture to me at

My cardiac journey started 4 years ago when my doctor heard an irregular heartbeat at my annual physical. That hearing led to tests and the discovery of an ASD (atrial septum defect-aka: a hole in my heart). That hole was closed in May, 2013. Things are still good.


  1. Glad to hear that they were able to help you! Brookie has done the Jump Rope for Heart every year since Kindergarten! She can't wait to do it this year!!!!!!!!!

  2. It's such an important cause!

  3. Glad you are still doing good - almost 4 years later. Wonderful. I will be wearing red tomorrow - Atlanta Falcons RED !


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