Sunday, February 05, 2017

It's Me! Version 2.1

I thought I would reintroduce myself here and asked for your questions. Here's what I got:

Jen (please visit her blog) asked: If you could visit/or live in any place in the world, where would it be?
WOW! This required some thought! If I could visit anywhere, it would be San Francisco, any of the United States National Park and Italy. My dream place(s) to live are: near a beach in the winter and in the mountains in the summer (vague enough?).

Why I blog:
I started this blog WAAAAY back in 2006 to keep a record of our lives and so my family could keep track of what we were up to and the kids were doing. It is still that but I have added a lot of other things to it. I like that I have to "challenge" myself to come up with something to write when I feel like posting. I like looking back at older posts to see where we've been, what we've done and how much my kids have grown up.

Who I am:
Wife to the Mr. (married in 1997)
Mom to Young Mr. (born in 1993) and Young Miss (born in 2004)

I am the oldest of five children

Aunt to 4 nephews and a niece

Die hard Chicago Cubs fan (since the day I was born)

A photographer finding my way through the world of booking clients (my photography blog: Photos by Jen)

An avid reader

I enjoy scrapbooking; knitting; crocheting and want to try jewelry making this year

You can find me on Instagram and/or Twitter (cubsfan3410)
My favorite movie is The Wizard of Oz
My favorite color is blue
I love chocolate and caramel
I like exploring new places

I hope you know me a little more! I welcome your questions.


  1. I loved reading more about you!!!!! Lots of boys in your clan!!

  2. I love this! Wow you guys are hitting 20 years this year! So exciting!


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