Monday, February 20, 2017

Monday Musings, volume 3

Good Monday morning! For those of you with the day off for Presidents' Day - enjoy!

I hope you all had a nice weekend. The weather here was PERFECTION! It was sunny and upper 60s all weekend. That is unheard of for mid-February.

Saturday we soaked up sunshine; did a little reading and photo editing. I have been working on some travel photos and bombarding my Instagram with them.

Yesterday, Young Miss turned 13. How it possible that we have an "official" teenager?! We went to see the Lego Batman movie and grilled out a late lunch. Then I took her for a photo shoot (which she was "thrilled" [insert teenage eye roll here] about...but she did great)
 Just being silly!

And now for a little randomness:
*The Oscars are this Sunday. I always watch them BUT I am SO afraid that they will become a political arena and spoil the fun!
*I started reading a Murder She Wrote (yes, like the older TV series) book and am LOVING it! I may have found a new series to read through!
*I will be putting up some of our travel photos I've been working on over at my photography blog this week - stay tuned.
*You can follow my Twitter and/or Instagram (@cubsfan3410)

What did you do this weekend?

1 comment:

  1. She looks so much like you! :) I hope she had an amazing 13th birthday.


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