Friday, September 20, 2013

Friday Letters

Dear Friday,
Hello my friend! I am so glad you're here.

Dear Weekend,

Dear Books,
I plan to spend some quality time reading this weekend. We will meet soon!

Dear neck & back,
Thank you for inflicting pain this week. (It's finally better!)

Dear Full Moon,
Why must you bring all the craziness wih you?

Dear Summer weather,
Go away!!! I am tired of heat and humidity.

Dear Farmers,
I see your fields drying. I know you're getting antsy. Hang in there, harvest is coming.

Dear Huskies,
Happy home opener weekend! Let's make it 3-0....

Dear NFL & NHL,
The boys in this house are happy again. Thanks for full seasons!

Dear Blog Readers & Followers,
Thank you for all your comments and visits. I love them!

Wishing you all a wonderful Friday and weekend.

PS: Check out The Sweet Season


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