Thursday, September 12, 2013

Mini update

8 days of the 30 day squat challenge are completed!!!!! I'm pretty proud of myself for sticking with it.
I guess without really realizing it, I've been eating a little better too.
I'm starting to see a little difference, so I'm hoping I'll keep sticking with it.


  1. Congrats you go!! My son and his girl xfit and they can do amazing things. I'm thinking about it my my knees are toast and maybe they can help.
    GOOD LUCK!!!

  2. I've been trying to eat better too. Less cookies - more oranges. :o) So far it's working!

  3. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Congrats! Keep up the good work!

    My knees will never hold up to squats but since the weather is back to 'normal' I'm back to walking to and from work each day. It feels good!

  4. go jen go! :) have a nice weekend!


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