Monday, September 23, 2013

Weekend recap

Happy Monday! I hope you had a good weekend.
Mine was pretty uneventful, but I am fine with that!

Friday night, I had no idea I was starting an addicition. I watched the Chicago Fire pilot episode, thinking I kind of wanted to check this show out. I was hooked! I ended up watching the entire season this weekend. Season 2 starts Tuesday night...  I'll be tuning in. I only cried 3 times...2 times involved deaths and the other was watching one of the characters and his wife go through something we have fairly recently been through.

Saturday, I took DD to my parents'. She was going to stay the night since my niece was staying there too. I had a nice time visiting with them for a few hours and playing with Miss L.  The Mr. and DS went to the NIU football game. Huskies won!!!  :). 3-0 baby.  They said they have never been to a game that crowded but they fun and got to see a win.

Yesterday was beautiful here! Sunny and mid 70s...perfect! I got laundry caught up, made Bears game dinner (manwich, chips and brownies), read a little in the sun and caught a quick nap. The Bears beat the Steelers.

So, here we are at Monday again...

PS: the Cubs have 6 games left...This season can't end soon enough!

How was your weekend?


  1. ooooo sweeet - its lovely when a weekend works out..

  2. It sounds like a great weekend!!!!


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