Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Merry Christmas!
After a half day of work today and a lunch out with my wonderful co-workers, hubby & I did a little running around this afternoon on miscellaneous errands. DS's girlfriend was here this afternoon and for dinner - so we did our gift to her (I hope she really did like it...). Then because the weather has held off thus far, we headed to a drive through Christmas light display about 1/2 hour from home. It was fun, LOTS of lights and a donation to a worthwhile cause. If you are in the Aurora IL area - you should check it out (it runs through Jan.1). (I'll post pictures after Christmas) Tomorrow is a day off work (YEA!) and I plan to do a little baking and a lot of relaxing.
I wish you & yours a very Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Straight No Chaser - The Christmas Can-Can (Animated Version)
I found the animated version of this song and thought it was pretty humorous!
(I did post a small 'catch up' below)
I finished my hubby's afghan in November. Much to mine (and his) delight. It's nice to have that off my knitting needles.
After MANY years of crocheting, I finally made my first granny square. Who knew they were THAT easy? Not me - but a future project is brewing...
I hope you & yours have a VERY joyous Christmas!
Thursday, December 09, 2010
Looking at the Sky on Fridays
Friday, December 03, 2010
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Happy December!
To my Jewish friends - Happy Hanukkah! May you have a joyous holiday!
Dear Cough/Cold/Flu/Whatever You Are~
GO AWAY!!! I'm tired of feeling like crap.
Thank you!
Hope your month starts off well!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!
I am thankful for my family and friends, my job, food on my table and a roof over my head.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
A little of this and that
My first paragraph, I'll title: TALES FROM THE LIBRARY. For those of you who are mislead/delusioned to believe that the library is a quiet place, let me assure you - that is NOT true!!!! A week ago Monday night as I got ready for storytime I decided I would sit in the rocking chair to read for a change. The first book was a total waste - the kids were WILD and I'm sure they didn't hear a word I read. They finally settled down and sat quietly. So I read all the books I have picked out and go to uncross my ankles, only to find that the little girl who was sitting on the floor in front of me had tied my shoelaces together. I had to laugh! I thought her mother would die of embarassment but it TOTALLY made my night.
TO SEW OR NOT TO SEW. I have had every intention of sitting down to sew the Christmas projects that are sitting on my desk this week (and another that is tucked away for the approaching holidays...), but unfortunately - haven't touched them since Sunday afternoon. I hope this weekend will be more productive in that department.
THE WINDY CITY. We successfully hosted a shopping trip to Chicago this week for our clients' wives. We had a good time, the weather wasn't bad and everyone came back that went in with us (always my biggest concern)! The stores were decorated for Christmas so it was nice to have a dose of that and not have to deal with huge crowds yet! I met a friend who I haven't seen in probably a couple of years for lunch and we caught up some. It was GREAT to see her!
TGIF! I am SO happy it's Friday tomorrow and am looking forward to this weekend. I hope you all have a great one!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
The weather has been VERY Midwestern late fall weather this weekend. Some rain, lots of wind, cold, dreary. You get it... BUT all things considered, it has been a BEAUTIFUL fall!
Happy 13th Anniversary to my hubby tomorrow (11/15). Thank you for the love and the ride that has been our marriage thus far.
I started Christmas gifts this weekend! YEA!!!! I cut out coaster sets I'll be sewing together for DD's teachers. (Thank you sis for the idea) She had fun picking fabric from my stash and it's gone quite smoothly so far.
I didn't do a whole lot else this weekend - got some reading in and a little sewing. Oh - and laundry...
Have a great week all!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Happy Veteran's Day!
Thank you to my grandfather, brother, father in law, uncle and cousin!
Sunday, November 07, 2010
Sunday, Sunday
I did get some SCRAPPING done! That's a big accomplishment for me. I got a couple other layouts done too but didn't post them.
We ran a couple of errands yesterday - we were tempted by the cutest puppy when we stopped at the pet store to look. We took the kids to see MEGAMIND - VERY funny!!!!! There was a lot of adult humor it in. Next up on DD's movie list 'to see' (and mine) - TANGLED - that might be a girls' night. And coming to video this week: BEEZUS & RAMONA
I'm off to work this afternoon.... of course, the nicest day of the weekend.
Have a great day all!
Wednesday, November 03, 2010
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Happy November!
So here we are, face to face with the holiday season. SIGH!!!!!! I hate the constant debating about where we are spending what holiday and whether we can possibly make all the stops on that day for what meal. It's stressful and tiring - before we even get to the celebrating part! Ya know?
I have been knitting my little hands off trying to get DH's afghan done. I am hoping in the next couple of weeks to have it done. (Wish me luck!)
Halloween was fun. The candy is overflowing at our house! The weather wasn't too bad and I think by dark the neighborhood was quiet again. I forgot how much fun our neighborhood is for trick-or-treating! Parents have a beer while walking their little ones around. The kids are all in groups with their friends. It's great!
Have a great week!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Mish mash
The search for the missing NIU student has been taking a toll on our neighborhood. We ALL want her found!!!! The police have been in our neighborhood more this week than I think I've seen them in the 6 years we've lived here. Several neighbors have wanted to help look but the police are not wanting volunteers for that yet. They have been searching the park around the corner and the river across the street. They dredged the pond in our subdivision late yesterday. It's been very surreal. I pray they find her soon and for her family!
On a happier note - our HS football team is headed to the playoffs for the 1st time in 21 years - so there is a happy note in our community too!
SOunds like a rainy weekend ahead - hope it's good to all of you!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
When it rains...
Lawyers make the world go round...and I hate that! We are being sued by the person we had the accident with last spring. REALLY?! Are you kidding? So I will be visiting our insurance company tomorrow to hand them the paperwork we got and letting them deal with it.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Friday, October 08, 2010
Sunday, October 03, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
WOW! part 2
DD, a friend of mine and I went to see our local children's theater production of Annie. It was done under the "PENGUIN PROJECT" (click the link to learn more)where children with disabilities are paired with a mentor who helps them with their role. These kids were AMAZING!!!! I really can not even put it into words! Their disabilities ranged from several different syndroms, blindness, epilepsy... and they put their WHOLE beings into the performance. By the time that show was over, I don't think there was a dry eye in the house. The chairman of the theater company said it best before the show started that "there was enough magic in the show to make Harry Potter jealous". AMEN!!!!! It was SO fantastic - the actors AND the mentors!
We can't wait for the next "Penguin Project"!
Friday, September 17, 2010
DD got her hearing aids - HOORAY!!!!! She sat very patiently and cooperatively while they ran through all the tests and settings on them to get them right.
Hubby & I learned how to put them in and take them out. How to clean and take care of them. Lots to do, lots to do but I'm sure it's just adding it to our daily routine and will be 'old hat' in no time! We each whispered something to her and she actually heard us. She has never been able to hear a whisper before. So amazing!
I had a conversation with her on the way home in which I didn't have to yell so she could hear me and I spoke in a quieter tone than I usually speak in and she conversed right back. It was SO awesome! I didn't know whether to laugh or cry happy tears (so I did a little of both).
I pray that the long wait and endless applications that have been rejected in the last six years are going to payoff now.
On a different note: DD & I have been reading Ramona and she's looking all over the inside cover of this book (bear in mind - it's an original book from the 1950s) - looks at me and says "I can't find the www. whatever to look up the website". I said "That book is from a long time ago, before there was an internet." I thought her chin was going to fall off her face then she said "No internet?!" Amazing, I know!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Little update
Just a little update from our house...
DS made the boys' a capella group at school. He's ecstatic and has been enjoying their practices. We are looking forward to hearing them perform.
DD has her hearing aid fitting tomorrow (I am ASSUMING this means she will have her hearing aids when we come home tomorrow). We are all very excited about that too.
Something I have learned about having a HS senior is that our mailbox is NEVER empty!!!! The college literature arrives almost daily!
Hope you all have a great weekend!
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
The past week
Our town festival was last weekend - it was hot but we had fun...
Rode some rides
Thursday, August 26, 2010
It has been a busy month! The kids are back in school - yea! We are dealing with senioritis and an excited 1st grader.
DD survived the dentist yesterday and did very well! She got her crown on and since it's metal - she looks like a gangsta. Wonderful....
Hope you're enjoying your August and have had a great summer.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Kenny Chesney - The Boys of Fall
Football season is back and there's much excitement in our house again.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
TGI almost F!
It's gonna be a busy one but I think some fun will be had and hopefully a little relaxation too...
I'm hoping to get a little scrapbooking and knitting done.
Hope you all have a super weekend!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Have a great Thursday!
Monday, August 02, 2010
Monday gratitudes
For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food, for love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Can it be said better than that? Those are the things I am most grateful for each day.
This past week in particular I am grateful/thankful for:
*A peaceful day
*Beautiful weather
*Wonderful kids & husband
*My parents & siblings
I hope you all have a wonderful week!
Sunday, August 01, 2010
Are they power players? No. Are they consistent - most of the time. Could you build a team around them and a few others? Sure thing.
And what did we get? An average player and I hope he is a positive addition to the team.
Sigh...ok - sorry!!!! I just think this is going to be a bad move in the end...
Friday, July 30, 2010
DD has a dentist appointment this afternoon. Knowing how well her one went a few months ago, I am kind of dreading it. I just told her we had an 'errand' to run this afternoon. Wonder how long I can hold out and not tell her...
Have a super weekend!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
A longing
This helps a little CLARK LITTLE
These are some AMAZING photos!
My favorites are this one: OOOOOO!!!!!
and this one: AAAWWWWW
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Thursday already
I just want to say that my sister is the GREATEST!!! We spent last Friday evening and Saturday morning together. It was SO much fun! Friday she took me to see The Farnsworth Invention at Timeline Theatre. It was a WONDERFUL show - the theatre is small (I would guess 80-100 people) and the cast was great. We stopped at one of her favorite pizza places Pied Eyed Pizza to grab a slice to take back to her place - it was yummy. Saturday morning we went for breakfast at The Breakfast Club - omelets were amazing! Then we took a walk and she showed me some beautiful homes and shopping/restaurants in her 'hood. It was a GREAT time! Thanks, A!
Sunday we went to out godchildrens' birthday party. We got to hear about their trip to the Grand Canyon (think Brady Bunch with a camper) - and had a nice time visiting with our friends.
We got DS's senior picture proofs yesterday (how did I get to be a mom of a HS senior?!). Anyway, they look good and now it's decision time - which poses and what package. (Because he couldn't have taken a FEW bad ones so we could take those out of the equation...)
This week has been work, work, work. I hope it's a little more relaxing this weekend!
Have a great rest of the week and weekend.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Book reviews
This is a touching, wonderful story of friendship and surviving life.
Nora's world is turned upside down on one fateful morning but does she let that 'fall from grace' in the high society world she's used to beat her down? Not a chance!!!! This is a total 'girl power' story. I love Nora and her kids.
I will try to get reviews up more often! Happy reading!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
It's Tuesday!
It looks a little overcast this morning, so we'll see what Mother Nature has in store today.
I will be posting some book reviews this week, so I hope you'll check back in a couple of days. :) Speaking of books, DD & I are reading Beezus and Ramona together (I forgot how fun those books are) and hope to see the movie when it comes out!
Have a great day!
Monday, July 12, 2010
It's Monday...
I found out yesterday that working at a desk in air conditioning sure makes me a softy! I helped hubby yesterday and sanded and washed walls for about 3 hours and I am DYING this morning! I obviously need to be exercising more.
I stopped into the resale shop yesterday to check on work pants/skirts and hit a score! Capris appropriate for work, a super cute skirt (DD approved...) and lime green shirt and a pair of sandals - brand new - for less than $20.
Other than that, not much else went on this weekend. HOpe you all had a great one and this week is good to you!!!!
Friday, July 09, 2010
I hope you're having a wonderful July (how did it get to be July already?)! I am hoping to have a 'crafty' weekend this coming one... Hopefully some scrapbooking and knitting get done.
And did we need a WHOLE HOUR show to announce that LeBron is going to Miami? That kind of hype is stupid!!!!!! Give the punk the attention he wants...brilliant media brilliant!!!
Have a super weekened!
Monday, June 28, 2010
Monday gratitudes
Quiet reading time
A job that I truly enjoy!
Everyone being healthy again
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Karma IS a bitch!
All those stormy nights we woke my parents as kids...yeah, they've been coming back around the last week...
Sorry mom & dad!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Chicago Blackhawks have won the Stanley Cup!
(or as DD said "family cup")
This is our son who refused to let us buy anything Hawks for him as they won their way through the playoffs, for fear of jinxing them...ok - I'll buy that! So this is him with a shirt in a store window that expressed his feelings WAY back toward the beginning of the season./a

He & DH were even lucky enough to have been invited to go to a game with an outing from my work and they had a GREAT time! The boys are headed to Chi-town tomorrow for the victory parade and rally.
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
We had a nice weekend - busy and not long enough but nice. Lots of activities and running around, BUT we survived!
Crossing my fingers for good weather this evening - I am supposed to be taking pictures... Send good weather vibes this way please!
Speaking of weather - I hope all in the midwest that dealt with terrible storms are safe!!!!!
Have a great day!
Friday, June 04, 2010
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Straight No Chaser - Sitcom Medley
Happy Friday!
Full House, Family Matters, Growing Pains, Perfect Strangers, Spider-Man, Beverly Hillbillies, & The Andy Griffith Show
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
A true friend!
A true friend is:
Someone you can laugh and cry with.
Someone who won't judge you for making a bad decision.
Someone you can share wonderful news with and they will cry happy tears.
Someone who just has to give you a look and you both start giggling.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Monday gratitudes
2. My family & friends
3. Sitting on the deck early in the morning, reading and having coffee
4. Karate tournaments
5. Garage sale finds
6. A good book
Friday, May 21, 2010
It's the weekend!
I have gotten on the exercise track and hope to keep at it. I walked almost 2 miles at lunch on Wednesday and tonight I rode my bike for almost 3 miles - and pulling an almost 50 pound kid in her trailer was an added workout!
I've been doing the Self Challenge for a couple of weeks. Ok - let me confess...I SIGNED UP for it a couple of weeks ago but haven't actually done much with it until this week. I could use any encouragement you can throw my way...
It's gonna be a crazy, busy weekend but I don't have to work and that's worth a lot!
Have a great one!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Hump Day!
DS has his final choir concert of the school year tomorrow evening. DD has ballet tomorrow evening and an after school activity. Can you say PB & J for dinner tomorrow????
Thank goodness for the library (besides the fact I get a paycheck from there...)! Our daughter reads so many books, there's no way we could keep up with her. She was moved to the accelerated reader program at school - she's in kinder and reading at a 3rd grade level. OY!
DS has to also start working on his Rube Goldberg project - because that is due on Tuesday. I would imagine it will be a long, weekend project for all of us. WHY does he wait until the last minute???
Hope you all have a super Wednesday! Here's a little springtime love for ya!!!!!
Oh side note - go Hawks!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
It doesn't get better
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Saturday, May 08, 2010
Friday, May 07, 2010
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Beautiful Bloggers!

The 'rules' are thank the person who left it for you and tell 10 things about yourself and tag 10 others.
About Me:
1. I LOVE spring and fall!
2. I remain a die hard Cubs fan
3. I am a scrapbook paper slut
4. My favorite color is blue
5. I hope to actually finish the story I'm writing someday
6. I have a weakness for Snickers bars (I think it might be a hereditary condition)
7. I love my jobs!
8. I think my husband and kids are the greatest thing in the world
9. I wanted to be a sportscaster when I started college
10. I still bite my fingernails when I'm stressed
1. Peggie
2. Amy
3. Monica
4. Andie
5. Penny
6. Susanne
7. Marie
8. Sara S
9. Yvie
10. Holly
Have a great rest of the week!
Saturday, May 01, 2010
Happy National Scrapbook Weekend!
If you're interested, hop on over to SCRAP STREET NSD BLOG HOP for prizes, challenges and more! (tell them scrapperjen sent you)
I hope you get lots of scrapping done!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
I'm kidding!!!!
We did find a big drawback to budget cutbacks. Two - yes TWO - state troopers stopped to see if we were ok and they would 'call it in' after we had when it had happened, because they were 'on their way somewhere'. We waited for over an hour & a half and we finally exchanged info with the other car and drove home. Good grief!!!!!!!!!!!! Good thing no one was hurt!
We're all ok - the van doesn't look so good. BUT - - - it was an accident, wet road, sudden braking in front of us...ya know. I'm just going to take it in stride. Let the insurace fun - begin!
Hope you're all having a good week!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
The butt
The story goes like this - a couple of weeks ago, two birds flew right in front of me while I was driving and unfortunately, I hit them both and I am quite sure they did not survive. So of course, among the cheers in the van for my 'accomplishment' I felt bad. So ---- now whenever there's a bird in the yard or on the ground, I get "Do you want to go get the van?" Hubby thought it would be HILARIOUS to get some magnetic bird outlines to put on the side of my van - 1 for each bird I take out. Oh ho - they are SO funny....
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Friday, April 02, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
*A fun baby shower for my cousin
*Spring is here
*Bike rides to the park
*A healthy family
*Scrap time
Have a super week!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Monday gratitudes
I am grateful for:
My family
Being left alone to take a nap
New babies to visit
Spring-like weather coming again
A good book
Cherry vanilla coke
May you have a blessed week!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Signs of Spring!
17 days until Cubs opening day!
Snow tomorrow (1st day of spring)
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
An Irish blessing
May your purse always hold a coin or two;
May the sun always shine on your windowpane;
May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain;
May the hand of a friend always be near you;
May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.
Sunday, March 07, 2010
Just a HI!
I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Yesterday was BEAUTIFUL!!! I wish I'd walked to work...
Today was rainy and cold - not originally what they'd called for, but oh well - spring MUST be coming.
I hope you all have a wonderful week!
Friday, March 05, 2010
Looking at the Sky on Fridays
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
As much as I hate to say it
That being said, I'm VERY ready for spring.
These photos came from the flickr group Enjoy Illinois
PS: If you want to stop at my other blog -Insane Travelers - I'll have a new post this weekend.
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
Thank you Vancouver!
Thank you NBC for your coverage. Your 'extra' pieces on places in Canada and athletes were wonderful and we really enjoyed them!
At last but not least - thank you athletes, coaches and families of the athletes for sharing your talents with the world. I am sure you will be the inspiration of children everywhere. I know many of you captured the hearts of those in this house.
I hope you all enjoyed those 16 days as much as we did!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Happy Friday!
We'll be watching the last weekend of the Olympics (we've enjoyed it so far!) and staying out of the cold.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
I decided to try to keep up with this challenge this year. Plus, it jumpstarted my scrapbooking for the year and got me doing this layout. ...
Hi friends and readers! Here we are at Monday again. I hope you all have a nice weekend. We took an extended weekend. My Mr. needed to...
As I start my 40th year today (3/31), it's also MLB Opening Day! The Cubs are in Pittsburgh. This year is also the 100th birthd...