Friday, January 17, 2014

40 in '14, adventure 2

Happy Friday!

I'm making some headway on these adventures this year.

Yesterday, I completed
#23-Try to be a movie/TV extra

Casting for Chicago Fire called and asked if I could do it. Ah, YES!!!!  It was a fun experience. After a minor freakout about putting my wardrobe together, a little sleep, a freakout again in the morning, I was off.

The staff contact I had was positive. I met some great people, too. And I'm not gonna lie, there was A LOT of downtime, but I got some reading in and a little nap.

I am hoping I make it in the scene, but time will tell.
I'm thinking I may be a Mike Wazowski.

But that would be ok, too. 
I'm glad I did it.
(I have a few off set photos I'll get posted soon)
I'll post the air date as it gets closer.
Have a great weekend!


  1. That is awesome! I love that show :) I will look out for you if you say you got on it!

  2. Ohhhhhhhh that is just awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. LOL - I love Mike W. however, just having the experience would've been fun - I'd have been a nut case - did you take pix? get autographs?

  4. How fun!! :) My hubby's sister does a lot of work as an extra on shows here in Wilmington! I love always hearing her stories and playing my own version of Where's Waldo on the shows! haha

  5. Love that show!! You need to do a post just about being an extra :)

  6. That's awesome! I love that show!

    Danielle @ Allusional

  7. Oh Chicago Fire is my absolute favourite show! How exciting!

  8. How fun is that???? Oh I am glad you did it. Maybe they will call you again. Keep us posted.

  9. This is so cool!!! I'm so glad you had the opportunity to do it, even if you don't make it off the cutting room floor! :o) Did you get to see any of the stars up close?

  10. Wow, that is awesome!! I have not seen the show but might have to start if you are in it! How neat! I laughed when I saw Mike though! (: Rooting you will be seen in the show!

  11. Wow, that is awesome!! I have not seen the show but might have to start if you are in it! How neat! I laughed when I saw Mike though! (: Rooting you will be seen in the show!


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