Saturday, January 11, 2014

Sunday Social 2

First and most important,

Today I'm linking up with Neely and Ashley. Please go visit their blogs, they're a blast!

1. What is the name of your blog? How long have you been blogging?
My blog is It's My Life (glad you found me!). I have been blogging since June, 2006
2. Why do you blog?
I started blogging so my family could keep up with my family. It has evolved into a creative outlet for me. I enjoy sharing bits of my life with my readers.
3. What is the first blog you ever followed?
Whoa! Let me think.... I believe it was a friend's blog on their military life and her creative projects. She no longer blogs.
4. What is your favorite post you wrote in 2013?
5. What are your blogging goals for 2014?
a. To blog at least 12 times a month
b. To work on my 40 in '14 list and document my adventures
c. Try to have more guest bloggers
6. Top 3 favorite blogs to follow?
a. The Artsy Cajun  lots of DIY and positive posts
b. Life with the Tucker Wolek Clan  she's super scrappy and inspiring
c. This Italian Family she is a great cook, photographer and all around amazing blogger

I hope you will visit these blogs.

On another note....I am planning a "Get to know Jen" segment. If you want to know something about me or my blog, post your question in the comments section. Thanks!

Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Rachel is one of my fave blogs too! That's so awesome that you have been blogging since 2006. I wish I had started back then. Happy Birthday to your mister!

  2. Happy BIRTHDAY to your hubby!!! And awwwwww thanks so MUCH for the shout out ... you totally made my day!!!!!!

  3. Happy Birthday Lee... :)

  4. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Happy Birthday Lee! You even had sunshine for your day.

    I will check out those blogs. I think there are an awful lot of great blogs on the internet and I just wish I had more time to check out more of them.


  5. those are all great ones. i have no idea which blog i followed first. i can't remember!


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