Friday, January 31, 2014

Friday Fun, Summer edition

Yes, I said summer! (The cold hasn't frozen my brain....yet!)

It's been another bitterly cold, snowy week here (and in most of the country). We are under a winter storm watch (thanks, Maximus!) this weekend with 4-8" of snow predicted. So, I have decided it's time for something warm weather-ish.

Our closest Six Flags is building a new coaster, GOLIATH, opening in May. I am super excited!
Pull you lap bar down, keep all loose objects inside the car and enjoy the ride!

Welcome back! I hope you enjoyed!

If you didn't like the ride, how about a nice summer song?

Who doesn't think summer when you hear the Beach Boys?

What are you up to this weekend?
I hope it's something fun!


  1. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Yikes! I think I need a barf bag! LOL That is one scary coaster and I'm glad I am NOT going to ride it. Enjoy!

    As for the Beach Boys - ahhhhhhh! That song chases away the cold and snow predicted.

    I guess with 6-10 inches of snow coming this weekend I'll be home for most of the weekend. After another cleaning of the house (I really should tear apart and really clean my bookcases but probably won't!) and some laundry, I'll probably put my 2013 365+ Photo Album together and work on some doll clothes for Sara.

  2. Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh ... couldn't pay me to do it ... nope ... no how ... no way :)


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