Friday, January 03, 2014

Liebster Award

Thank you to Jessy at The Artsy Cajun for passing on the nomination for a Liebster Award to me. This is my first Liebster Award. And I'm so thrilled! This award is for bloggers who have less than 200 followers. 

It works like this:
You start by being nominated by a fellow blogger who likes what you have been posting.
Then you tell 11 random facts about yourself and answer 11 questions.
You then get to nominate 11 fellow bloggers and give them 11 questions to answer.

11 Random Facts
1. I like purses
2. I want to be brave enough to get a tattoo
3. I wanted to be a sportscaster when I started college
4. I think being a wife and mom is the best job
5. I've never broken a boke
6. My favorite candy bar is Snickers and Milky Way
7. I have submitted to be a TV extra twice, but no luck
8. I wish I had a winter home at the beach and a summer home in the mountains
9. I was a band geek in school
10. Unless my craft supplies count as a collection, I really don't collect anything
11. My favorite "unhealthy" drink is rum and coke

My answers to Jessy's questions
  1. What is your driving force in blogging?  My readers.
  2. Dogs or cats?   I'm not a big pet person, but between the two, dogs
  3. What is your favorite, go-to bible verse?  
  4. How has blogging changed your life?  I have made some great blogging friends and I find I remember more details of things we do as a family.
  5. What is your favorite down-time activity?   Reading or something crafty

  6. When you think back, what is your favorite childhood memory?  Wow! Tough one!  Ummmm....I grew up with 4 siblings, so I think the memory list is too long to pick one. We did a lot together and usually had a lot of fun. 
  7. How do you balance work, blog, and family?   Usually not too well. ;)  I work very hard to keep my life balanced and hold onto my sanity.
  8. Favorite song at the moment?   I've been listening to Randy Houser lately.
  9. Describe your perfect day?   A sunny, 75 degree day. A nice hike or bike ride with my husband and kids. An afternoon nap and reading in the sun.
  10. Where would you like to travel next?   Somewhere with sun and sand
  11. What is your best piece of advise for new bloggers?   Blog what you know; don't force a post; if you need a break, take it.

My 11 questions for my nominees

1. Why do you blog?
2. What is your highlight(s) of 2013?
3. What hobbies do you have?
4. What is your favorite dessert?
5. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?
6. Did you have any pets growing up?
7. What is your favorite thing about yourself?
8. Do you like sports? If so, who do you cheer for?
9. What is your favorite season of the year? Why?
10. Do you have a piece of jewelry you wear everyday?
11. Name 3 things on your life bucket list.

My nominees are
Kelly at Kelster Jean
Amber at Last Yesterday
Nicole at Prairie Princess
Valerie at Val's Outside Voice

Leave me a comment when you post to your blog. I don't want to miss your post!


  1. I love your fave Bible verse!!!!

  2. Anonymous5:14 PM

    I love your Bible verse also!

    Shouldn't you have started your acceptance speech with 'I'd like to thank all the little people...' ? LOL

    Such fun and I'll look forward to reading all the other answers as well. (Evidently, I don't have a life as I love to read the blogs of others - much more interesting.)

  3. Aw, thank you! <3

  4. Loved reading more about you!!!!!

  5. Aww, I'm honored although I don't think I'm worthy.
    Thank you :)

  6. Thanks Jen for nominating me! I loved reading about you!

  7. Okay, here is mine:


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