Monday, January 27, 2014


I haven't done one of these posts in a long time.

This week I am grateful for:
* My husband
* My kids
* My parents, siblings (yes, the in law ones too!), my nephews and niece
* A roof over my head
* Food to eat
* Heat
* My jobs
* Good books
* My blogging friends
* A good laugh
* Finding at least one good thing each day

I hope you have much to be grateful for too!


  1. I am grateful for blogging friends, too! :D

  2. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Great list! Those of us who have been in this ridiculous cold weather have much to be thankful for if our homes are warm, we have warm food to eat and don't have frozen pipes.

  3. Can't wait til I can be thankful for some sunshine. But you're right, there are a lot of things to be thankful for already.

  4. Love this! I think 'Good Books' is top of my list hehe xx


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