Thursday, October 26, 2006

Bad me!

I stayed up late last night, reading. So, I didn't get up early enough this morning to workout....darn! My DH is coming home tonight and I work until 9, so I know I won't workout tonight either. I'll have to make sure I get up tomorrow. I guess this will be my "day off" this week. I am starting see some results, though, so that is motivation to me to keep going.

I got a scrapbook page completed last night (I'll post later).

DD had a bad morning. She went trick or treating last night with my MIL and was up too late. THEN, "her daddy" wasn't there this morning so that just started things off wrong.... I left her at daycare in hysterics.... I felt like SUCH a bad mommy! I hate leaving her like that but I had to.

DS has been a HUGE help this week with DH gone. He is at such a great age for that. DD worships him, so that helps too.

Hope you all have a great day!


  1. Anonymous9:40 AM

    I know what THAT'S like. I'm always staying up too, and then I'm zonked the next day. I hope you have a great day off. :)

  2. OK you so need to not complain about not working out.. skinny minny! LOL I complain when I DO workout! LOL

    Glad your DH is coming home! That will be nice for you and the kiddos!!


  3. Anonymous2:12 PM

    I'd pick reading over workout any day too!!! I am sure you are looking forward to your DH coming home, mine was away all week and got back yesterday - yeah!

  4. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Hey! This is Rachel just stopping in and saying hi!! Glad to see that everything is going and ok and great job on your workouts!!

  5. Anonymous7:28 AM

    But think of it this way...reading is a mental workout.


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