Monday, October 02, 2006

Monday ramblings!

Just some random thoughts to share....

My DH is the best!!!!!! He has worked EASILY about 60 hours the last week and was still very attentive to me. He filled my gas tank yesterday, just because. He took us out for dinner and ice cream on Friday night.

I have some fabulous on-line friends! They are SO willing to care and listen and I love them for that! Thanks!!!!

The weather here was beautiful this weekend - 80 and sunny. I had all weekend off and enjoyed as much as I could. Should be another nice day today and tomorrow, then back to fall on Wednesday.

DD is really acting up lately - hitting, throwing things, sassing....argh! I am about at the end of my rope with her.

DS has been a HUGE help to DH working on some of these houses. He's earning a little money and learning the "trade" from his dad.

I got NO sewing done this weekend and Christmas is coming! I'm starting to feel a little stressed.

My house is clean - that is the one thing I did manage to get done this weekend....

Other than this random bits....nothing! Have a WONDERFUL week!


  1. Great post! Your DH sounds like a sweetie! And I understand about DDs--one of mine right now is especially trying my patience!!

  2. Anonymous12:21 PM

    I know, can you believe Christmas is just around the corner!!!

  3. Sounds like a great guy! My husband is the ALL the time but still makes time for me and does special things for me! :) Aren't they great???


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