Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Still on a high from my upcoming trip!!!!! DH hasn't stopped smiling! I am SO excited to go and that month seems SOOOOOO long!

2 PEAS CHALLENGE: Something you did a child that you no longer do....
I don't have my sibling to pick on. No, just kidding.... I was on the pom pom squad in HS - still miss it, 15 years later.... I used to be able to kick high enough to kick the top of the doorway in our house. THAT doesn't happen any more....

We had a nice weekend:
Saturday we went to the university homecoming/town 150th anniversary parade. It was chilly (upper 40s) but sunny so we were ok. The kids came home with almost 5 pounds of candy!!!!!!! When we got home, DH & I worked in the yard - he mowed and I cut down all the dead stuff. It looks so naked in front of the house now.... I hate winter!!!!!!!
Sunday was cold and gray! We cleaned the house - it looks SO much better!!!! DH helped and DS watched DD - which was a HUGE help! Then we took naps in the afternoon. I finished my book (review to come later...) and did a few digital layouts.
Yesterday was Monday. Need I say more? ; )
DH left this morning to work at my boss' summer home for a few days. I will be hoping to get a little sewing and scrapping done at night when the kids go to bed - I never sleep well when he's gone.

I have worked out every day since Friday. I am pretty pleased with myself. Fit TV rocks!!!!! We have On Demand and that has an awesome selection of workouts.

One more thing, Fisher Price RAWKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG - I called them last week to complain about one of our DD's toys and they sent us a whole new one. THAT is customer service! Thank you, Fisher Price!

Hope you all have a great week!


  1. Anonymous11:11 AM

    I loved being on the Pop Pom squad!!!!!! I was the captain jr and sr year. But, alas....I could never kick all that high.

  2. I envy your cooler weather! It's been in the 80s and 90s here in SoCal (what we call The Santa Ana Winds), but today seems to be cooling down. Yay! Unfortunately, it won't get as cold as what you described, though. Boo! :-)

    I think I need to move...

  3. I really don't like the winter either. I love the summer! It has been in the 40's here also.. and very gray. ugh.
    Sounds like you had a great weekend.

  4. oh, my gosh, Jen, I HATE winter, too! I must confess, though, I NEVER work in the garden, that's just DH's job ;)
    That IS nice of Fisher Price! I LOVE their toys!!!

  5. Anonymous12:59 PM

    I was on the drill team but it was really crappy. No kicking involved. Just ridiculously long skirts and getting in trouble for dancing to "Papa Don't Preach" on the football field.

    But you know what I do miss? Jumping in leaves. I'm too old and brittle for it now. How pathetic.


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