Monday, October 30, 2006

I've been tagged!

Michele at The Writer's Vibe (see link on the right) has tagged me for 5 interesting things about me. (Mine aren't as exciting as hers!)

1. I am the oldest of 5 kids. 3 boys, 2 girls. I hold my parents in a place of honor for keeping up with all of us!!!!!!!

2. When I was in HS, I used to be able to kick high enough to kick the top of one of the doorways in our house. That flexibility is LONG gone!

3. I worked in a bank that I SWEAR was haunted. Flushing toilets in empty bathrooms, running adding machines with no one near them and standing in the copy room and feeling hairs on the back of your neck stand up and feeling like someone is watching you, turning around and no one was there. Very strange.

4. I had my DS at 19 and DD at 29. What a difference 10 years makes!

5. My hopes for myself (besides being independently wealthy and not having to work): I would like to write & have a book published and would like to run a marathon by the time I am 35.

Not exciting, but there you have it.

I am tagging:


Tag, you're it!


  1. See alll the interesting things we can learn about each other on a blog?!!

    Now I just need to figure out what this "tagging" thng is so I can do it! Since you tagged me! LOL

  2. Just write 5 interesting things about yourself in your blog and "tag" someone(s) else.

  3. COOL! I did that! I was thinking that was the deal! You rock! Made me think of some things I haven't thought of in a while!


  4. Those are great, Jen! I could never kick high enough to kick the top of a doorway, not even as a teenager! LOL

    Thanks for playing with The Writer's Vibe! :-)


  5. Very interesting stuff :) though the haunted bank freaks me out a bit!

  6. Anonymous2:01 AM

    Did it today!!! Thanks, I enjoyed reading yours.

  7. Anonymous3:28 PM

    "the haunted bank freaks me out a bit!"

    I don't know--I think the high kick part is pretty freaky! LOL!

    Seriously, though what kind of book do you want to write?

  8. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Check back tomorrow! I'll post five interesting things.


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