Friday, October 13, 2006

Happy Friday the 13th!

I just wanted to drop a couple random thoughts....

First, my friend had her baby yesterday - A GIRL!!!!!!!!!! I went to see them at lunch. I couldn't resist! She's so cute and mom is doing great!

Second, my friend Robin's b-day is today - have a great day, girlfriend! Miss you!!!!!!

Third, I did my third day in a row on the treadmill. I'm feeling a little better. Now as long as I stick with it over the weekend....

Fourth, I want to wish you all a great weekend!



  1. congrats to your friend on her new baby girl :)

    and congrats to you for keeping up with your exercise!-thats a great accomplishment :)

  2. awww how sweet, my sister in law is due very soon....could be this weekend too.
    I could never stay on a treadmill, always ended up going into a daydream and getting off it so I stick to running outside now which is not so nice as the nights are drawing in, good for you for sticking to it :-)

  3. oh, Jen! I SHOULD at least give it a try... but I find the best excuses. Right now, the excuse is I don't have space for a threadmill. Of course, I CANNOT have it in the garage. now, I'm hoping we DON'T move very soon, 'cause I'll need to find another excuse! :) (congrats. I think it's wonderful!)


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