Wednesday, October 11, 2006


We went to daycare open house last night. And as I watched these great 2 and 3 year olds singing and dancing for all of us, I realized, we lose the innocence! There they were doing their "show" without a care in the world and not even noticing that their parents and grandparents were watching them. When do we change? Why can't adults dance in the aisle of a store or on the sidewalk without someone thinking you're "weird"? I personally love going to the store and seeing someone dancing and/or singing and/or being silly - they're having fun and enjoying life!!!!!!

Why can't we not care if someone sees us having fun?
Why do we care what other people think?

So, go ahead, act silly - have fun!!!! You only live once! :D

And to toot my own horn a little, I got up extra early today - did 20 minutes on the treadmill and 15 minutes with some light weights. Toot, toot!!!!!!!! Sorry, I'm just really pumped about it.

Have a GREAT day!


  1. Anonymous11:51 AM

    good for you! Today was my day off back tomorrow, I will be lifting weights at 5 am... O joy! :)

  2. Ha! My husband dances in the aisle at the grocery store, dances in the car, skips down the street, etc., on a regular basis. I admire the fact that he just doesn't care what people think. Me, on the other hand... I turn bright red when he acts like a clown! : )

    Excellent work on getting up early. I'm way proud of you! Keep it up, girl!

  3. Good job on getting up and working out! If you get that great feeling, then it will make you want to do it every day!

    You know, I always have believed that we could learn a lot from movies like Grease. If tough guys in leather coats can break out in song whenever the fancy strikes them, so can we!

  4. Well said Jen, I try to make a point of doing something silly each day, who cares if people look.....they are probably looking wishing they had the guts to do it (ok so maybe not when I skip down the road lol) but lifes too short, if it gives ya a giggle then its worth it ;-)


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